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No. Putting ink on your skin will not kill you. It will look ugly, but not kill you.

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Q: Can you die from putting sharpie on your skin?
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Can putting sharpie in your hair damage it?

Can putting sharpie on your hair damage it

Is sharpie hazardus to your skin?

No, sharpies are not hazardous to your skin, because when ever i use sharpie i get it on my skin. Nothing ever happens.

Should you tattoo with a sharpie?

No, you should not mark on your skin. The ink and chemicals in the Sharpie will get in your skin, sometimes a Sharpie Marker can or may stay on top of the skin and start going deeper into the human's pores!

What happens when you write on your wrist with sharpie?

It last a while but the toxins in a sharpie can absorb in your skin so i recommend you don't do it because it can ruin your blood cells and can poison you or the person

Can you die sniffing a sharpie?


Can you die from inhaling sharpie markers?

No you won't die, but you will have brain damage. The Sharpie has acetate as an ingredient and that is used in glue. So sniffing a Sharpie is the same as sniffing glue.

Can you get lead poisoning from a sharpie?

No. Sharpie markers do not have lead of any kind and the soft points are not likely to penetrate the skin. The "lead" in lead pencils (of Sharpie brand and any other) is graphite, not truly lead.

How do you get sharpie of?

i find that dawn dish soap gets it off your skin the best

Is it ok to have sharpie in your hair?

Yes. It will wash out and you will not die from it.

What soap will take sharpie off the skin?

Well, you don't really need soap, but if you mix water and baking soda and rub it on the skin where the sharpie is it will go away! U don't even have to rub hard. Hope that helped :)

How do you get sharpie ink off?

I got some Sharpie on my arm last night, and I got it off in just seconds with Tecnu. Tecnu removes Poison Oak and other Ivy oils, and apparently it removes Sharpie marks off skin.

Can you die if nail polish remover and sharpie get in a cut at the same time?
