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Yes. That just means the tooth is still vital (or alive). If the tooth is opened and the canals aren't bleeding this means the tooth is neucrotic or dead. The tooth has no more nutrients going to it, meaning the doctor will clean through and though, using files all the way out of the canal to clear any bacteria. If the tooth is bleeding, there isn't a need to go out of the canal, to the end or a mm short is okay. Bleeding will stop once the nerves are removed and bleeding can also be caused if the doctor is out of the canal. He can use anesthetic to stop the bleeding or drying paper points.

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Q: Can you do root canal filling in bleeding canals?
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How do you stop bleeding root canals?

Bleeding root canal means that during cleaning and shaping you have passed the apical foramen and damaged the periodontal ligament so you need to place calcium hid,incanal for few days then you can obturate the canal.

What OBT means in Endodontics?

obterrate--when you fill the canal of the root up with filling material

What kind of dentists does root canals?

Root canal surgery is done by an endodontist.

I have a root canal but want to take out the root canal?

Im not sure of the question but sounds like the doctor already removed the inerts of the tooth and placed a filling into the root. That is what a root canal therapy is. If you want to remove the root canal filling material and replace it with a more biocompatible material there are dentist that do that.

Are root canals worth it?

Root canal is performed only when teeth is damaged from the root. Only at that time dentist recommend this treatment. And it is really worthy it removes all the infection from the root of the website.

What procedures can an endodontist do?

They perform root canal treatments. Which is a procedure done for the pulp chamber and root canals of the tooth.In this procedure;tooth chamber and canals are disinfected from bacteria and cleaned from infection and filled with special filling designed for the root canals. القنوات الجذرية نوفمبر This procedure can be done by the general dentist too.However, Endodontists are capable of doing advance cases and retreatments.

Your root canal filling fell out and it looked like a piece of drill in it?

More than likely what you see is something called a post. It was placed at the completion of the root canal to stabilize the filling.

What is the specialty name for a dentist who specializes in root canals?

The doctor specializing in root canals is an Endodontist.

What is another name for a root canal?

Another name for a root canal is endodontic therapy or endodontic treatment. Certainly! A root canal, also known as endodontic therapy or treatment, is a dental procedure that involves treating the innermost part of a tooth, known as the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to tooth decay, trauma, or other factors, a root canal is performed to save the tooth. During a root canal procedure, the dentist or endodontist removes the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth's root canals. The tooth is then cleaned, disinfected, and shaped to prepare it for filling. After the canals are thoroughly cleaned and shaped, a biocompatible material called gutta-percha is placed into the canals to seal them off. This helps to prevent recontamination and further infection. Following the root canal, the tooth may be restored with a dental crown or filling to provide protection and restore its function. The crown or filling helps to strengthen the tooth and prevent any potential fractures. Root canals are typically performed to alleviate tooth pain, resolve dental infections, and save a tooth from extraction. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. It is important to seek timely treatment for dental issues that may require a root canal to prevent further complications and maintain oral health.

Is it normal for a root canal to discolor a tooth?

Yes, teeth that have root canals frequently turn dark over time.

Where can I find more information on root canal?

The information you would like to find regarding root canals can we found at Here they explain why a root canal is benefical, as well as all complications and costs of undergoing a root canal procedure.

Is a dentist as qualified to do a root canal as an endodontist?

Yes, legally all general dentists are qualified to do root canals. But, IMO not as qualified as an endodontist who has gone through 2-3 years of additional training in the specialty and does ONLY root canals all day rather than once/week. I would only let an endodontist do my root canal and similarly (but more serious) I would only let a heart surgeon do my bypass surgery. == == All Dentists are qualified to do root canals.