

Can you down size on your lip?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Lvl 1
14y ago

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If you want to downsize your lip, avoid shimmery lipstick. Also, lip gloss will make your lips look bigger. If you want to moisturize over lipstick, use chapstick.

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if you have an old barbie or brat bracelet. snip a good size piece off that depends on the size of your lip. slip the almost circle on your lip!

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The difference is that a lip balm's size is smaller than a glue stick's size. However, they are both 3D cylinders.

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Generally a 14g for a male your lip/labret, and 16g for a female lip/labret or monroe, madonna, medusa piercing.

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yes you can. i have a lip ring and the person i kiss barely notices it. the size of the lip ring makes a difference. if it is large it might get in the way.

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No, because of there lip size.

Why is the back of my new lip piercing cutting into my lip?

cause yer lip is prolly swollen. it will go down in a few days n it should b fineee.

What is the average diamtere of a lip ring?

The diameter of a lip ring is based on the actual size of the lip. Not all people are created equally and therefore the sizes can vary greatly from one person to another.

How long is the lip ring that they give to you after you get your lip pierced?

The ring is scaled (sized) to your lip, it's not a one size fits all affair. Your professional body piercer will assist you in selecting a ring that will suit your lip. Be aware that your lip will swell so the ring must allow for swelling.

Where are lip piercing placed?

They cant be on your lip or lip line, they can how ever be directly right under. Im not a professional so im not soo so sure about how far down it can go down, but I believe its right b4 your chin starts. lol.