

Can you download books from Borders onto the Kindle?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Not directly, but most can be converted for use on the kindle unless they have copy protection.

For all books with copy protection, they must be purchased from Amazon's website via the kindle button, or from the kindle device directly. This is to prevent a person from buying one copy, via Barnes and Noble or Amazon, and distributing it to all his or her friends and thus not requiring them to purchase their own copies.

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Q: Can you download books from Borders onto the Kindle?
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The best way to find out is to look on Amazon's website. They have an entire Kindle Store there, and that's the easiest way to find out. A Kindle that is connected to a Wi-Fi network will also have the capability to look through the Kindle store on Amazon.

What business closed because of technology?

Borders closed due to the advancement of technology. Instead of people driving to a specified destination to purchase a book, people were conveniently searching for books and CD's on Amazon. Then, the iPad, Kindle, and other touch-pad devices were introduced which allowed customers to download books and music directly onto their touch-pad.

Should I get a Kindle?

Nope! Kindle (amazon) will let you download their e-books to your PC! FREE! Go to, click on "Kindle my PC" and download their free software. You can buy e-books (you'll need an account) for $0.00 or their regular price, right onto your PC, and read it from there... same navigability factors as a real Kindle. Have fun and get smart!

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To download an ebook, you need an Amazon account, which has your credit card information. You buy ebooks just like you would any other online purchase except it will download to your Kindle.

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