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That's an awful lot of salt to put on one lawn suggest you dump it down the sewerage.

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Q: Can you drain your above ground pool that uses a saltwater system on your lawn?
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How do you remove water from an above ground pool?

If there is no drain plug then you can use a sump pump.

Can you change a above ground pool center drain with water in it?

Where is the drain located? If it is on the wall near the top then you can keep the water in the pool. If it is near the bottom then you may have to drain the pool.

Do you need to drain your gen foam above ground pool for the winter in state of pa?

no you don't that isiligal

Do you add antifreeze to an above ground pool?

no all you have to do is use a pump or the drain if the pool has one

Can you put a paver walkway on top of a drain field?

Yes. You may put anything that does not compress the area above the drain field on the ground above, such as constant vehicle traffic. Keep in mind when you drain field requires replacing, you will also have to remove the walkway.

Do you have to open a in ground pool every year?

No , above ground pools are different in that you can drain them , the reason you cannot drain an in ground pool is because the pool is built to have water pressure , and it is very stressful on the walls , I hope this answered your question :) .

Can you drain a pool during the winter months to replace the vinyl liner in the spring without damaging the pool shell in Mississippi?

If your pool is above ground it does not matter, But if your pool is in ground and you drain it it will act like a boat and float if the water table rises.

Why does the ground have to be level for above ground pools?

So that the water doesn't drain out of the pool and so the pool doesn't fall over. I agree with the answer above but I have a more detailed answer. In a round above ground pool the water puts even pressure on the pool walls, and if the ground is not level one side will get more pressure. The imbalance will cause the pool to collapse under the strain.

Can too much rain affect your septic system?

Yes, the ground can become saturated and the laterals have no place to drain to.

What are the causes of improper drainage system?

An improper drainage system would be anything that allowed sewage to drain directly onto the ground. This would cause contamination of the ground and make people sick if they were to come in contact with it.

How do you fix an already frozen above ground pool?

You would break the ice and drain the water. Then you can fix whatever needs to be fixed. Hope this helps!

What is a Reverse French Drain System?

The reverse French drain is where the down spouts is solid for the first ten feet of the drain pipe. This is then converted to a PVC pipe that is perforated. This gets discharged to a connected continual trench that is back-filled with drain-rock. The trenches distributes the water into the ground.