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yes you can through the vain

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Q: Can you draw blood from the right arm?
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Type your answer here... if a patient has an intravenous line (IV) in the arm, can the phlebotomist draw blood

What condition could happen if you draw blood from a mastectomy patient?

if you draw blood from the arm from the surgical side, they could get swelling of the arm from poor circulation, called lymphedema. so they cannot have any blood draws, iv's, injections or blood pressue taken on that arm at all.

Can you draw blood from single lumen picc to arm?


How long can tourniquet be left on arm for blood draw?

as soon as blood is drawn from the vein the tourniquet should be immediately open from the arm. otherwise there can be obstacle in the blood flow.

Contraindication for taking blood pressure in right arm?

When there's a port or shunt in the arm blood pressure is contraindicated on that arm.

Where on the human body is the best place to draw blood?

On the inside of your elbow, where your arm bends and straightens.

Could you please show me the three areas on the arm to draw blood?

The crease of the arm inside the elbow, the inner wrist, and the outside of the hand.

Where does the right subclavian artery carry blood?

The right subclavian artery carries blood to the right arm. It also carries blood to the head and the thorax.

Angle of needle for blood draw?

The needle should form a 15 to 30 degree angle with the surface of the arm.

What method of drawing blood is most comfortable?

The Median Cubital is the main blood draw area. This is located in the middle of the arm above the elbow. where the arm bends, if you look there closly you will see the main, that is where most people get there blood drawn from.

How do you draw John Cena?

draw an opponent laying on there back then draw rand orton laying down like hes doin press up but make his head looking up and his eyes starring at his opponent. Or draw an opponent standing slanted to the right alittle then draw randy in the air with his arm around his opponent head and one arm (left arm) sticking out