

Can you drink alcohol with mono?

Updated: 6/11/2024
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9y ago

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If a person drinks with mononucleosis, he can experience liver damage. This is because mono is a viral infection that can cause liver inflammation. So, drinking with mono can exacerbate the problem.

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2d ago

It's best to avoid drinking alcohol while recovering from mono, as alcohol can further weaken the immune system and increase the risk of complications like liver inflammation. It's important to focus on staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest to support your recovery.

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9y ago

It is recommended that you do not consume any alcoholic beverages when you are infected with mononucleosis. The combination of mono and alcohol can have devastating effects on the liver.

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It is generally recommended to wait at least six months after recovering from mono with symptoms of jaundice and an enlarged spleen before drinking alcohol. This timeframe allows your liver and immune system to fully recover and reduces the risk of complications or aggravating residual symptoms. However, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific health condition.

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It probably wouldn't help aleviate any of the uncomfortable symptoms of having mono. Alcohol affects your liver mostly, since the liver functions to remove alcohol from your blood. So while you're sick with mono (mononucleosis) your lymph nodes and entire lymphatic system is already under attack from the virus affecting them. One way a doctor double-checks to see if you do have mono is by palpating (feeling) your abdomen, to see whether or not you do indeed have the signs which are a swollen liver or spleen. So by drinking alcohol, that's just adding an unnecessary stressor to your body, particularly your liver.

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