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Q: How long after recovered from mono with symptoms of jaundice and enlarged spleen can you drink alcohol?
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Should you take benzyl alcohol if you are a recovering alcoholic?

Alcohol in any form should be avoided in order to avoid triggers and PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms. Cough syrups and mouthwash containing alcohol should be avoided also. It only takes a very small amount of alcohol to get those neurotransmitters start craving and reacting.

What happens when alcohol crosses the placental barrier?

When alcohol crosses the placental barrier, it can reach the developing fetus and cause a range of problems known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). These disorders can result in lifelong physical, behavioral, and cognitive impairments for the child. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is strongly discouraged to prevent these adverse effects on the baby's development.

Is there a medical reason behind having a drink in the morning to cure a hangover?

Alcohol binds to the GABA (gammabutyric acid) receptors in the brain. GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. When blood alcohol levels decrease, there is less GABA activation, and therefore more excitation in the brain (via the glutamate neurotransmitter system). This causes tremors, tachycardia (fast pulse) and hypertension (high BP) to occur, along with other symptoms. This process can be reversed by activating GABA once again, either by drinking alcohol or going through detoxification with GABA activating medicines in the benzodiazepine class (Valium, Ativan, and the like). The problem with drinking alcohol in the morning is that it can lead to a vicious cycle of chronic intoxication (and withdrawal) states. When alcohol is used to treat withdrawal symptoms ("hair of the dog that bit you"), more alcohol per day is used, often leading to tolerance and dependence. Treatment for this cycle is best accomplished by detoxification, counseling, and abstinence.

What is the physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol?

Obvious symptoms of Alcoholism include slurred speech, dilated pupils, shaking hands or other extremities, and being constantly off-balance. Some of the lesser obvious symptoms of an alcohol problem include the unusual or unexplained need for money, injuries which the person won't or cannot explain, and unexplained change in personality and attitude.

What is the alcohol content of ctearyl alcohol?

It is all alcohol. That is the name of a type of alcohol. It is a fatty/waxy alcohol (-OH group)

Related questions

What is the treatment for pre-hepatic jaundice?

no treatment hospitalize him an treat according to symptoms

When patient can drink alcohol after virus a jaundice?


Is jaundice normal with pancreatitis?

Jaundice is a condition that can occur in severe cases of Pancreatitis. Most often, jaundice occurs in patients who have contracted pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse.

Jaundice is a disease caused by drinking polluted water?

It can be caused by drinking alcohol

Does alcohol cause the bladder to become enlarged?

no,rather it neutralises it.

When a jaundice affected patient can drink alcohol?

Stop being so yellow and just drink it

Is there something that can help with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?


Where can one find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

One can find symptoms of alcohol withdrawal on the WebMD website. The site is a good resource to visit to find out what symptoms to look for and how to treat someone with alcohol withdrawal.

Is lemon good for jaundice?

The only cure for jaundice is to let the liver heal. No drugs, especially no alcohol. Reduce proteins to about 2.5 oz per day. Don't over eat. Rest.

How does the body fight jaundice?

Jaundice is a sign of a malfunctioning liver. It cannot be purged; the liver problem must be dealt with. The two most common causes of liver disease are drinking alcohol and hepatitis. People with liver problems should not drink alcohol at all. It can eventually lead to need for a liver transplant to avoid death.

Does drinking alcohol affect gilberts syndrome?

As someone who has this condition, alcohol DOES affect GS. Because GS is usually brought on by exhaustion, physical/emotional stress (or both) and dehydration, alcohol dehydrates the body. The more alcohol you drink regularly, the more likely you are to develop the numerous symptoms: severe abdominal pains, jaundice (harmless), gauntness, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite. I used to drink alcohol and ever since I stopped about 10 months ago I've not have many problems with it.So, yes, drinking alcohol does influence the regularity and severity of GS.

Any new information on the rev of avenged sevenfold?

He died from the pills he took for his enlarged heart and alcohol.