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You can drink it every day, it's best known benefit is as a sleep aid.. There are some precautions to note, avoid it during pregnancy, avoid it if you are taking blood thinners. It is also possible that you may have an allergic reaction to plants in the same family, such as daisy, ragwort, chrysanthemum or asters

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Q: Can you drink camomile tea everyday?
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Is camomille a tea?

camomile tea is an herbal tea made from the camomile plant.

Is camomile tea safe to drink during pregnancy?

Chamomile is NOT safe during pregnancy. Bradely PR, ed British Herbal Compendium Vol 1 1992, 154-7.

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Is camomile tea safe to drink during pregnancy?

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Do you need a cup of camomile tea?

Yes :)

Can you use camomile tea to make your hair blonder?

yes you can. u have to make the tea and let it cool completely but before you start washing your hair with camomile tea you have to wash your hair like you normally do. then u wash all ur hair with the camomile tea and then dry it and u have blonde hair:) hope it works!

If you drink 3 cups of tea everyday could you get shorter?


Is it good to drink earth tea everyday?

It is good to drink earth tea everyday, because it contains no artificial flavor, no sugar, preservatives or color. There are different types of earth tea, these include lemongrass, green tea, which include citrus or pomegranate.

Can a pregnant woman drink camomile tea?

Highly avoid it regardless of any advice you get from anywhere else, because if you don't drink camomile tea while pregnant you will be safe and you lose nothing by avoiding it. By drinking it, there are way too many side effects to list here, but I will leave a source below that has sound advice. Personal experience: Avoid at all costs, the regret will not heal anything or change the past.

Are there harmful effects of drinking chrysanthemum tea everyday?

no, you should drink it everyday it is good for your health and will make you live longer

Does tea have fat in it?

Tea does not have fat in it however if you have tea with a bunch of sugar in it everyday you can gain weight. Just drink diet teas or keep it moderate.

Why would anyone drink camomile tea with soy milk and stevia?

Soy Milk isn´t good for your health is not necessary do this, you can drink your tea with skim fat milk or non fat milk, but soy milk by studies doesn´t works well, and stevia well, try better brown sugar