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Well, you can drink milk or soy milk with Strep throat. However, any forms of milk products WILL increase phlegm (mucous) in the throat. Forms of milk make mucous thick, hard to cough up or swallow, and will increase throat irritation and coughing. Increased coughing WILL irritate the throat.

So it is best NOT to drink or eat milk or milk products. Stick to broths, soups, tea, warm water which will thin mucous.

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11y ago

Yes but the milk could make you congested and the phlegm could make u cough worse

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Q: Can you drink milk or soymilk with strep?
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Milk in Western societies come from cows and soybean milk comes from the soybean. Other than this difference and other obvious ones, Cow's milk has a different kind of fat profile (saturated fat) when compared to soymilk (unsaturated fat); soymilk may or may not have an adequate amount of calcium (250 mg per serving) but cow's milk has an adequate amount of calcium; soymilk has isoflavones or weak estrogen and milk does not. There are other differences but these are the common ones.

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soya milk (a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some infant formulas and in making tofu

What should you drink when you have strep throat?


Can you get strep if you drink off the person a week before they got strep throat?

Most probably, not.