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No. Better take soda after feeding your baby, to avoid spillage.

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Q: Can you drink soda while breastfeeding?
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While Monavie Active and Monavie Pulse are not recommended to those that are breastfeeding it is safe to drink the Monavie Original blend while breastfeeding. The original blend is composed of 19 fruits with no additives so it is completely safe for anyone to drink.

What should you be eating while breastfeeding?

Mostly milk, meats, and grain. Fish and steak can be really healthy for the baby but make sure not to drink too much soda.

Can you drink protein shakes while breastfeeding?

yes. I think

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I have been doing so and have not seen any change in my child's behavior or health. The seller has assured it is safe to drink while breastfeeding.

Can you drink pop on your period?

They say that you are not supposed to drink caffiene while your pregnant b/c it can cause low birth weight in your baby, but you can drink de caffinated soda.

Do babies drink faster by breastfeeding or by bottle?

Babies typically drink faster from the bottle because it requires less effort that breastfeeding.

Can you take extacy while breastfeeding?

I'm sorry but haven't you gotten any education about pregnancy, breastfeeding and babies? EVERYTHING you eat, inhale, drink gets to the baby! If you get high the baby get high. So no, using drugs while breastfeeding so your baby gets high on drugs is not allowed! Also even if you weren't breastfeeding, using drugs while taking care of a child is negligence.

Can NSAIDs be taken while Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is not advised while taking NSAIDs

What can you take for a runny nose while breastfeeding?

I guess the best way to cure it is to drink plenty of water... steaming will do too...

How can I cure my heartburn using household items?

You can drink some club soda. Or make some soda water with a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it and drink it while its still fizzling.