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Q: Can you drink something or take something that will nuetralize what has accumulated in a sweat patch?
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Did the tsunami begin the pacific garbage patch?

No. There has been a field of garbage floating in the Pacific for years as the result of accumulated litter.

Can i drink while I am on a probation drug patch?

If you are not ordered by the Court to not drink alcohol then yes.

Why can you not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice when on the Ortho Evra patch?

You have been misinformed. You can have grapefruit or its juice when on the patch. It doesn't make a clinical difference in how the patch works.

What does patch mean?

A small piece of material fixed to another,or to repair something by adding a piece of the same material.

What is something that protects wear and tear?

apron, patch

What do you if you opening the thing you patch a game with and it isan't working?

The patch probably doesn't work. Try something else.

How do you water the strange patch in virtual villagers a new home?

If you've unblocked the well, drag one of your characters to it, and it will either drink from the well or water the strange patch.

Is the weight loss patch something like a quit smoking patch?

Yes, I have heard that you apply the patch to your body just like any other type of patch on the market today. I have a friend who uses them and he is happy with the results so far.

What is a patch game download?

A patch game download is generaly a patched version of the game. Which means that there are less bugs or there is something new added to the game.

Can you Identify us navy patch?

Well it most likely says US Navy on it... Send me a picture if you really do need someone to identify a unit patch or something.

Is the birth control patch more effective than the birth control pill?

With perfect use, the pill and patch are equally effective. Because you only have to remember to do something with the patch weekly, unlike the pill which is daily, it's harder to make mistakes.

If a little bit of the corner of your patch folded under while it was on is that something to worry about?

Nothing to worry about. As long as the majority of the patch was attached to your skin you will've received the correct dosage needed.