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Q: Can you drink tea when taking azithromycin?
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Why Is it harmful to drink water after tea?

yeah its true, we should not drink water after taking hot liquids

Is it bad to smoke weed and be taking azithromycin?

No, It's not bad. Of course you shouldn't drink while on antibiotics, but smoking weed would be okay. If your taking azithromycin in the first place maybe you shouldn't be smoking ANYTHING while taking it. Dried grass from your yard, or dank bud, either way it will irritate your throat.

Can you mix Azithromycin and dairy foods?

No, azithromycin should not be taken with milk because of the calcium content. It should also be separated from antacids like Tums, Rolaids, and Maalox, and multivitamins by at least 2 hours on either side of taking the antibiotic. Azithromycin can chelate (interact with) with calcium and other metal ions in your body and it will not be absorbed.

Can you take azithromycin while on isotretinoin?

Yes, there is no problem in taking azithromycin (Zithromax) while on Accutane.

Can you have alcohol with azithromycin?

dude wrap it next time you can't have sex for like 2 weeks and no alcohol until like 3 to 4 days after your finally done with your prescription. NO sex, YOU WILL NOT GET RID OF IT IF YOU HAVE SEX FOR TWO WEEKS AFTER.

Can you drink soda while on treatment for chlamydia?

Yes, you can drink soda during chlamydia treatment.Yes, you can drink soda during chlamydia treatment. There are no diet restrictions when taking azithromycin for chlamydia. If you're using other treatment, ask your pharmacist about any dietary instructions.

What happens when you drink while taking Azithromycin tablets?

"Alcohol does not reduce the effectiveness of azrithromycin according to data provided by Pfizer, the manufacturer.

Can you take azithromycin and omeprazole together?

There are no drug interactions between azithromycin and oxycontin.

Can they drink tea?

no they cannot drink tea.

Can you smoke weed while taking azithromycin?


Is a dog die by taking tea?

Yes. The tea has chemicals that the dog is, well let's just say can't drink it or else basically he or she will die because of the chemicals that us humans can drink but not the dog. So never let your dog to drink tea. Unless of course your having a fake tea party. Ha ha.