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Q: Can you drink water before a psa blood test?
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Why can'y you drink milk before a blood test?

Only water is acceptable to drink before a blood test. Milk has fats and sugars which can elevate your levels.

Can you drink plain hot tea before a fasting blood test?

no only water can be drink

Can you drink water before a thyroid blood test if doctor just said to fast?

Yes. Drink water as you would normally.

How will eating before a blood test effect your blood sugar levels?

Eating before a blood test will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. That is why they are referred to as "fasting" blood tests, meaning you are not supposed to eat or drink anything but water before having them.

Can you drink alcohol before cholesterol test?

No. The test is a fasting blood test so you don't eat or drink anything before the test from midnight the night before until the test is done. Best to do the test first thing in the morning.

Can you drink water before blood sugar test?

The average person does not drink enough water daily, thus making the blood a bit thicker. It is a good idea to drink water 2 hours before having blood drawn to thin it out a bit making it easier to draw the blood out.

Can I drink alcohol before 12 hours of blood test for cholesterol?

If you drink alcohol 12 hours before the blood test for cholesterol, its traces will be found in the blood sample. It is therefore advisable not to drink alcohol.

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Can you drink a Diet Coke the night before a fasting blood test?

For a fasting blood test, you generally should not consume or drink anything after midnight the night before.

Can you drink herbal tea the night before a fasting blood test ie mint tea or cranberry tea?

You should not have any herbal tea to drink before a fasting blood test. You should not eat anything either. A few sips of water is ok but nothing else.

When fasting for a blood test can you drink water with lemon?

No ,as there are natural sugars in fruit,which may affect the accuracy of a glucose blood test.

Can you drink regular coffee before a CRP blood test?
