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Q: Can you dye your hair before you get braids?
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Can you bleach or dye box braids?

First it should be 100% human hair. Second its best to just dye it before putting it on your hair.

How do you dye box braids?

for short term you can buy the spray on hair color

If you perm your hair after taking down braids what will happen?

It depends on the health of your hair after taking the braids out. I would suggest waiting at least a week after taking out the braids for a relaxer. The braids add so much tention to the hair, the hair needs to breath a little before a chemical treatment.

Do you dye your hair before or after you perm?


If i have use hair dye many times before will another hair dye hurt me?

If you have used hair dye in the past with no problems, it should be fine to do it again.

Did Jennifer Lawrence dye her hair or get a wig for the Hunger Games movie?

Jennifer Lawrence is a natural blonde but she rented $30,000 dollars worth of brown hair (which was a wig) that had intricate french braids because she didn't want to dye her hair brown. Josh Hutcherson is a natural brown but he decided to dye his hair blonde for playing Peeta but he dyed his hair brown after filming.

How long does your hair have to be to get braids?

It can be an inch long now because they have glues to attach hair to your hair, braids or scalp.

Can you dye your hair before chemically straightening?


How do you dye the hair on a lace frontal hair piece without ruining the lace?

dye it before you put in in your head,

What is the difference between curly and straight micro braids?

Just the hair you buy, really. You buy straight hair for straight micro braids or curly hair for curlier braids.

What are Box Braids?

Box braids are a hairstyle connected with African and African-American hair. To create box braids, the complete head of hair is parted into boxes and each section is braided from the box all the way down. Often, box braids will be mistaken for corn rows and vice versa. Don't make this rookie mistake. The difference between box braids and cornrows is that cornrows are braided directly from the scalp, and the braids in box braids start from the boxes of hair on the scalp. For black people and black women especially, braids and twists (in which the hair is twisted instead of braided) are known as protective hairstyles because they protect natural hair from the elements and don’t require daily maintenance. The Process of Getting Box Braids Getting box braids is a lengthy and labor-intensive process. Depending on the size of your braids, the process can take anywhere from 2-12 hours. Preparation Before getting a box braid hairstyle, you have to prep your hair. Here are the things you require to make sure to do to your hair before getting box braids: Shampoo Detangle Deep-condition Blow dry Going through these steps will ensure your hair is as healthy and clean as possible. While your hair is braided, you won’t be able to get rid of all the dirt and bacteria from your hair and scalp, so your hair should be super clean before it gets braided.

Home dyed your hair yesterday when can you dye it again?

You should leave your hair for about 2 weeks before you dye it again. This will give your hair chance to settle and recover from the last dye.