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Q: Can you dye your hair before chemically straightening?
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I want the answer....can you dye your hair before braids

What can you put in your hair before you straighten it to prevent damage?

you could put a straightening protectoin spray or serum so your hair wont burn or dry out or lose its shine . if your hair is dyed , you should put a special dye protecting creme or serum on so your dye wont come off on your straightners as having dye on your straightners can break or ruin them

Do you dye your hair before or after you perm?


If i have use hair dye many times before will another hair dye hurt me?

If you have used hair dye in the past with no problems, it should be fine to do it again.

What causes chemically damaged hair?

Using chemicals that are bad for your hair such as bleach and other dye products even gels hairsprays and waxes can damage your hair

How long do you have wait to flat iron your hair after you dye it?

I am speaking from very recent experience that after you bleach or dye your hair (i did both),you can! you should first put anti heat therapy gel or spray on before hand but you should blow dry then straighten. your dyed hair should have no frizz or puffs!

How do you dye the hair on a lace frontal hair piece without ruining the lace?

dye it before you put in in your head,

What is dye?

dying your hair is when you change the color of your hair. so say your hair is blonde, then you can dye your hair a color either a shade lighter or darker or you can do a bold color or something new for a change! but dying your hair can be a bit challenging doing it by yourself and it does damage your hair a little bit. but if you want to I suggest you get professionals to do it!

Home dyed your hair yesterday when can you dye it again?

You should leave your hair for about 2 weeks before you dye it again. This will give your hair chance to settle and recover from the last dye.

Can you wash and dry your hair before you dye it?

I'm sure you can but you will have to wash your hair to get the dye out anyway so its really not worth it.

Do you have to boil the kool aid before you dye your hair?


Can I use hair dye in the first trimester of pregnancy?

I wouldn't dye your hair because the fumes that hair dye puts off are very bad. i would wait till after the baby is born before dying my hair.