

Can you eat lemon skins

Updated: 11/12/2022
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Q: Can you eat lemon skins
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Skinks can indeed eat banana skins. Though this is a possibility it is not very likely that a skink will eat a banana skin.

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What is a lemon bar?

A lemon bar is basically a dessert that you can eat (with family)

What can be eaten with a lemon?

Anything can be eaten with a lemon really. You can have fish with a lemon on the side with some chips (it may sound bazaar but you can) so you can eat anything you want really. Especially coke and a lemon I don't really like lemon though! Eat anything you want with a lemon!

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Eat a lemon, get your lemon to eat pie first, but before that get your pie to eat a squished tomato BUT before that squish your tomato!

Can you eat avacodos?

Can you eat avocado skins? Yes, you can eat avocado skins, but not all types are palatable. Avocado skins contain fiber and other important nutrients, but smooth-skinned varieties are much easier to eat plain. For rough-skinned avocados, you can blend and pulverize to mix with other fruits to cover the bitterness and tough texture.

How do you eat a lemon?

put it in your mouth

Can Moths Eat Lemon?

of course they can

Will a raccoon eat a lemon?


Can hermit crabs eat potatoes skins?

Yes, its very healthy for them.