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If the meatballs were held under refrigeration the entire time they were thawed and were not starting to spoil before they were refrozen, you could eat them. The quality and flavor might be diminished. If you are still in doubt, don't eat them.

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Q: Can you freeze meat then thaw it then re freeze?
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When do you use the freeze and thaw methods?

thawing meat

Is it okay to thaw meat halfway and freeze it back?

It's okay to *partially* thaw meat and freeze again, but half way thawed is too much and the meat would need to be cooked.

What is the best way to thaw a whole turkey for taste?

FORGET TASTE ! WORRY ABOUT ecoli. The Taste Is Aquired In Baking. Be Sure To Thaw In Bottom Of Refigerator to assure you do not get Sick. I`m Sure You Will Have a Wonderful Dinner. Unthaw? "Thaw" means to un-freeze. Do you mean how do you re-freeze chicken again once it's been thawed?? If so, it's not recommended. You should NEVER freeze meat that has previously been frozen - especially chicken.

Can you thaw hot dogs re-freeze and unthaw for consumption?

No - once food is thawed out, its a bad idea to re-freeze it. If you re-freeze after thawing, there's always a chance that bacteria has had chance to grow on the food !

can you refreeze a meat & potato pie?

I wouldn't recommend re-freezing it; I'd recommend cooking and eating it. Of course, after it has been cooked the leftovers could be re-frozen, but the freeze-thaw cycle does tend to turn most foods somewhat mushy.

Why doesn't the freeze-thaw cycle happen in Antarctica?

The freeze-thaw cycle does happen in Antarctica, but the thaw is never complete.

When you thaw turkey sausages can you re-freeze them without cooking them first?

No, never refreeze any type of meat after it had been thawed.Actually, if the sausages have been thawed under refrigeration, they could be refrozen. See Related Links.

Can you re-freeze partial thaw spareribs in a unopened sealed bag?

If the product is still icey, you could re-freeze it, but the quality of the product might be degraded.

Can you freeze beef twice?

No, it's not dangerous to freeze meats twice. Just make sure the meat has not spoiled. Nutritionists have said that the food will loose some of it's food value, but if you throw it away you've lost MONEY value, too!

What is the opposite of thaw?


Can frozen raw hamburger be thawed then frozen again and cooked?

No, definitely and absolutely not! It's a recipe for food poisoning.If frozen meat has thawed you can freeze it again AFTERit has been properly cooked. When the cooked meat is thawed, it must not be frozen again. It is just too risky.

What was the thaw?

thaw is when you are trying to unfreeze meat