

Can you eat orange rinds

Updated: 12/20/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, yes you can

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Q: Can you eat orange rinds
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How do you use rinds in a sentence?

The woman put cut lemon rinds into the disposal to make it smell fresh.Don't eat the watermelon rinds!The kids ate the cantelope, but threw the rinds on the ground.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumber rinds?


What are foods that have rinds?

Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, pomegranate, orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit.

How do you flavor cooked oranges?

I love orange flavored recipes. I used to add orange rinds in cakes, marmalade and ice creams. I also love orange in my wardrobe, all my duppattas are orange.

Where should you place orange rinds around the house?

but them on your grass it will become like a fertalizer and help your lawn

Does watermelon rinds cause diareaha in guinea pigs?

no.watermelon rinds are a great treat for your pigs and a great way to get rid of the parts you dont want to eat.

How much water do you put in a 2L bottle rocket?

2l of water plus some ground up orange rinds to boost the takeoff

Is it possible to eat an orange peel?

Orange rinds are very good for the health. It is concentrated in Vitamin 'C'.... you can cook it like a semi jam consistency with sugar and use it on rice dishes. This is a middle eastern style of rice called "Shireen Pollo"

Can the rind on soft cheeses be eaten?

There may be special kinds you can eat. However, in general you are not advised to eat rinds of cheese like Edam.

Can guinea pigs eat watermelon rind?

Guinea pigs can eat watermelon rinds and it is a awesome treat.

What can be use to make garbage enzyme?

watermelon rinds, orange peels, carrot shavings, tea leaves, apple cores, banana peels and vegetables.

Can chickens eat pineapple rinds?

my chickens seem to love it. haven't seen any adverse problems yet.