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Yes, because most people have powers that if you eat some thing bad then you will turn into a snake and you could still live. But that is only true if Elmo says so.

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Q: Can you eat poison and live?
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How long do humans live if they eat poison?

It depends on what poison you eat. :-)

Can a person can eat poison lizard?

Well the whole poison thing means that if you eat it you WILL die so no a person can not eat it and live.

How long will chickens live if eat rat poison?

1 min.

Can you eat poison and live without calling the ambulance?

It depends. If the poison isn't fatal, then yes. If the poison is fatal, it still depends. If the poison is slow reaction, then that is possible. If it is quick reaction, it might even be impossible to live even if you called the ambulance.

What are some interesting facts about meerkats?

They eat poisonous scorpions (even poison part) and still live (one of the thingss they eat).

Do poison dart frogs eat poison plants?

no they eat bugs

How are poison dart frogs a part of the ecosystem?

They are part of the ecosystem because that way when endangered predators don't eat the poison dart frog they live helping the environment!

Why do poison dart frogs eat bugs to get there poison?

So they can get there poison.

Can you eat the poison dart frog?

NO. You cannot eat a poison dart frog. IT IS POISONOUS and if you eat it you will DIE.

Can snakes eat poison dart frogs?

some types of snakes can eat the poison dart frogs, if they can cope with the poison.

Is cauliflower poison or not?

How can it be poison if millions of people eat it.

Poison arrow frog where do they live?

they live in rainforests and Indians used them for poison on their arrows