

Can you eat pond frogs legs?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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im pretty sure, no its gross, and you get warts in your mouth, if their not cleaned correctly, or get poisond, or aids (:

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Q: Can you eat pond frogs legs?
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What do pond frogs eat?

Pond frogs mostly eat insects such as mosquiets flys and bees

What do frogs eat in a pond?

Pond frogs have a varied diet that typically includes a range of small invertebrates such as insects, crickets, flies, and earthworms. These creatures are abundant in the pond environment and serve as essential food sources for frogs. Depending on the availability of prey in their habitat, pond frogs may also consume other small organisms like spiders, beetles, ants, and even small fish or tadpoles. Their diet is primarily carnivorous, consisting mainly of live prey that they catch using their sticky tongues or by ambushing them as they move within their vicinity.

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no they are to small to eat They will eat baby frogs, I have seen them fighting over them in my pond.

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No, they do not.

What are 4 carnivoirs in a pond?

Four carnivores in a pond are seagulls, frogs (eat insects), herons, and alligators (none of these are usually in the same pond, with the exception of seagulls and frogs).

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no but the french do.

Do you eat frogs?

Some people eat frog's legs; I do not.

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frogs eat pond-weeds i did it in science

Why do the french eat frogs legs?

cuz they wanna

Does pond animals hunt each other?

Yes, it is most likely to be a frog or a toad AND COOKIES , EAT FROGS That is not really true frogs eat flies