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Yes, you can eat salmon and chicken on a 'no carb' diet.

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Q: Can you eat salmon and chicken on a no carb diet?
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Can you eat raw cookie mix on a low-carb diet?

You can, but you should not if you want your low carb diet to work.

Can you eat corn on a low carb diet?

Corn is one of the high carb vegetables. I would have to say I wouldn't on a low carb diet.

What is the difference between a no carb diet and cookie diet?

The no carb diet cuts out all carbohydrates from what you can eat. The cookie diet allows you to have cookies, which are packed with carbohydrates, but not much else.

Do salmon eat cod?

Generally, salmon don't eat cod. They prefer to eat krill, smaller fish, herring, and amphipods. A salmon's diet depends on where it lives and what is available.

What foods are alright to eat on a low carb diet?

On a low carb diet, you can basically eat anything, well besides carbs. Fruits, veggies, meat you can have them all. But really you can eat anything in moderation.

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Will not eating carbohydrates create adrenal fatigue?

To be completely honest there is no effective diet that contains NO carbs or nearly no carbs but if you are on a relatively low carb diet and watch the carb sources you eat there should be no problem. Good carb sources: Brown rice instead of white rice, brown bread, nuts, seeds, chicken, meat , fish.....

What is the top diet today in the market?

I think the best diet if your looking to lose weight quickly is a low carb. diet, so eat things with less bread and pasta. With a low carb. diet you can eat all the meat and vegetables you like though.

What kinds of foods are involved in a low carb diet?

If you are wanting to go on a low carb diet, try looking for a low carb meal planner online. It will give you an idea of what you can eat but also give you the recipes that you would need to start your diet.

Where can one find information on how to eat during a low carb diet along with details on what a low carb diet is and who it is right for?

You can find information by consulting your physician. Or go to the website of mayoclinic. Low carb diet is eating a low in carbohydrates foods for your diet like the oats. In this diet exercising can be helpful.

What are the plants that herbivores can eat?

chicken, beef, salmon, prawns, squid and rabbit.