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I dont think you should because my cousin did, And he broke it. But if your careful then you should be okayy.

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Q: Can you eat sugarless gum with an expander?
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Can sugarless gum cause gum disease?


Does sugarless gum lose the flavor faster than gum without sugar?

sugarless gum last longer than any other kind of gum LOL:)

Is juicy fruit gum sugarless?

No, it isn't.

Which gum is better?

Sugarless gum is better for you but the gum with sugar may taste alot better.

The date sugarless gum was invented?


Is sugarless gum really sugarless?

yes there is no sugar in sugarless gum. It contains artificial sweeteners such as sodium saccahrin, aspartame, sucralose or others. They all come from sugar, but contain no sucrose, glucose, or fructose molecules, therfore they are not sugar.

Can you have gum on the hcg diet?

No, you cannot chew gum onthe HCG diet, not even sugarless.

What compound is used as a sweetener in sugarless chewing gum?


Can you chew gum with an expander?

Yes, you can. NOTHING will happen I have an expander and I have chewed gum 4 or 5 times. An nothing happened, the only thing you cant do is blow a bubble because the roof of your mouth is were the main part of the expander is.

What are the 6 flavors of bubble yum?

The 6 flavors are Original Bubble Gum, Cotton Candy Bubble Gum, Sugarless Original Bubble Gum ( its different because its SUGARLESS), Sour Apple Berry Bubble Gum, Watermelon Flavored with Jolly Rancher Bubble Gum, and the last one I do not know.

Is there any gum other than freedent that does not stick to dentures?

Wrigley's Freedent

What can you not eat with an expander?

you can eat any thing i swear i have my expander now it hurts when they tighten it but it goes away in a few sec. just dont eat smthn realy hard or chewy also do not eat gummi bears its my first day with my expander and i eat one accidentally forgetting about my expander i hate it its really hard to swallow. good luck expander ers.