

Can you eat too much spinach?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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11y ago

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for a female yes but for a male look up stone kidneys( part where spinach goes through male's penis as shards of glass , which h


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Q: Can you eat too much spinach?
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What are the traditional ingredients for Albanian spinach mayonnaise?

Normal mayonnaise and spinach. You can add some water, but not too much otherwise it will be too watery.

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Can you substitute fresh spinach for frozen spinach?

Yes, you can substitute canned spinach for frozen. Be sure to check the required measurements so you don't use too much.

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There is no fat in spinach. Now creamed spinach is another story. EAT AS MUCH GREENS AS YOU WANT!

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No parakeets CAN NOT eat spinach !!

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Eat spinach. Eat spinach.

Why is it dangerous for dogs to eat spinach?

It's not. Dogs can eat spinach.

Can iguana eat spinach?

Yes, but not often. spinach has a lot ofprotein, and iguanas can't have too much protein. but, spinach is much better than iceberg lettuce, which shouldn't be fed to them at all because it's low in nutrients and is addictive.I would recommend feeding your iguana some spinach, other shreddedvegetablesand fruits (that are low in sugar), and green leaf or romane lettuce. DO NOT feed it iceberg lettuce or any kind of meat or dairy.

What is the passive voice for-Does Sandra eat spinach?

Is spinach eaten by Sandra? No, spinach is eaten by Popeye.

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You can eat too much of anything.

Need to correct this sentence you wont eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted maurice?

I won't eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted Maurice!

What vegetable did popeye eat?

Popeye was known for popping open cans of spinach and eating it.