

Can you edit the header files?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, but if the header files were provided by the library/compiler implementation, you should not do that, as you can alter the designed behavior, or even break the library or compiler.

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Header files in Java programming?

Java does not require header files like C/C++.

What are the Names of header files in java?

Java doesn't use header files.

Why are header files not required when using far and near pointers?

In C programming, header files are required. It doesn't matter if you are using near pointers, far pointers, both, or neither -- you still need header files. There is no connection between the necessity of header files and the pointers' size.

What is the use of DOS header files in graphics?

It shows the header information..

Why is it necessary to include header files in C?

It isn't necessary to include header files in C. However, without the functionality provided by some header files, your program wouldn't be able to do very much that is useful.

How can you create a c program without using header file?

C programs do not require header files. If you want a C program without header files, you can simply not create them. However, you may or may not be able to include your non-header file source files.

Is header file the library file?

No. Header files are those which contains declaration part of function & library files are those which contains definition part of function. These are those functions which we called in our program by using header files.

When is header file executed and why?

Never, and the reason is that header files are not meant to be executed.

Explain about header files used in c language?

list of header files in c and function prototype associated with each file

What is the use of header files as used in C programming?

Header files are used to have declarations. It is simple to include a single header file than writing all the needed functions prototypes.

How can you quickly edit a header or footer?

By direct double clicking in area of header and footer on page.

Where headers files are generally stored?

It depends on the header file and on the general organization of the project. System header files, such as stdio.h or windows.h, are stored in a directory that the compiler knows about, but that you don't need to even think about. Library header files are either stored in the same place that system header files are stored, or they are stored in a place reserved for the particular library. In the latter case, there will usually be build parameters that identify the header files and their associated library files. User header files are either stored in the same directory as the source files, or they can be stored in a related directory, somewhere in the project directory tree. well in most of the DOS/Windows C/C++ compilers predefined header files are stored in INCLUDE directory of the folder containing the compiler