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If the military is aware that you have been formally diagnosed with a personality disorder by a qualified, licensed mental health professional, then it is unlikely that you will be able to enlist.

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Q: Can you enlist in the military if you have a personality disorder?
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If you have anti-social personality disorder the military wipes their hands clean of you and kick you out.

What personality disorder causes people to have no friends or relationships?

could be depression, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, paranoid Personality Disorder, etc. . .

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Depends on which personality disorder you are talking about.

Personality disorder for blaming others for your failures?

Dissocial personality disorder

What is the old name for multiple personality disorder?

Split personality disorder and multiple personality disorder are both old names. It is now referred to as dissociative identity disorder.

Does Miley Cyrus have paranoid personality disorder?

According to news reports and press releases she does not have Paranoid Personality Disorder, she has a Multi-Personality Disorder.

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Some good movies and films for studying personality disorders are "Gone With the Wind" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Funny Girl" (narcissistic personality disorder), "Girl, Interrupted" (borderline personality disorder), "The Godfather" (antisocial personality disorder), and "Wall Street" (antisocial personality disorder).

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Severe case of Borderline Personality Disorder

What is eupd?

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder known as BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER

What is the process needed to enlist in the military?

check with a military recruiting office

Is there a crusader personality disorder?

There isn't a crusader personality disorder. However, someone with a family member a personality disorder often feels like a crusader in protecting their family.