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yes, if you got lower than a 70 average, On the good note go to your CIS administrator ask them if you can do credit recovery. welcome

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Q: Can you fail a grade if you only failed one class?
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how much classes can u fail to pass grade?

In Canada where I'm from all high school students must pass all their classes to enter the next grade or graduate, if one class is failed you will still go to graduation, but will have to take that class over again, Most likely you will only go for 1 semester.

If you fail a final do you have to go to summer school?

No, it usually is only like a benchmark test, and will only count as a percentage of the class and depending on your grade, you might or might not have to go to summer school. For example, if you have an 'A' in the class and you fail the final, (let's say it was worth 10%) then your grade would be a 'B' In other words it depends on your grade since its only another test...

What happens if you fail the eoct?

The EOCT only counts as 15% of your grade, so technically you can fail the EOCT and still pass a course. If you have a pretty good course average and you fail the EOCT, then you should still pass the class.

Failing a College Class?

If you have ever failed a college class, then you are definitely not alone. Unfortunately, failing a class can have serious consequences on your college education. If you are currently enrolled in college and youre not doing well in a class, then you should know what can happen if you fail that class. Read on to learn how failing a college class can affect your future.What happens if I fail a college class?Generally speaking, when you fail a class, you will receive a letter grade F for that particular class and it will appear on your official college transcript. As a result, the failed class will lower your grade point average; and you may even lose your financial aid.Can I retake a class if I fail it?Yes, in most instances a student can retake a college class if he or she fails it. You will definitely need to retake a failed class if you need that particular class in order to meet the requirements for your degree program. Please note even if you retake a college class, the original grade may still appear on your official college transcript. However, if you retake a class and make a higher grade, chances are your school will only calculate the higher grade into your grade point average. But both grades may still appear on your college transcript.Can I still get a good job if fail a class?Yes, it is possible to obtain a great job even if you fail one of your college classes. However, if you fail several college classes and you have a very low grade point average, then it may be more difficult for you to land your dream job. Many employers make it a habit to review an applicants college transcript and grade point average during the application process. So, if you have Fs on your transcript and a low GPA, this could send up a red flag to that employer. The employer might feel that you are a lazy person, and that you dont care about your education or career. So, it is always best not to fail any of your college classes because failed classes can have a major impact on your future.What can I do to prevent failing a class?If you are having problems in a class, the best thing to do it to determine the reason you are not doing well in that class. You need to review your study habits, time management skills, and your work and class schedule to see if you are overwhelmed. Ask yourself the following questions:Do I devote enough time studying for this class?Do I attend all of my scheduled classes?Do I understand the material?Am I enrolled in too many classes?Am I working too many hours?Do I have too many obligations going on in my life?Once you have identified the problem, you can work on improving your grade in that class. If you are having a difficult time grasping the material in any of your college classes, consider meeting with your instructor during his or her office hours for assistance. You can also speak with your academic counselor or advisor to see if your school offers tutoring services.

What happens in ninth grade when you failed both semesters of biology and one semester of health class?

You will have to retake the 9th grade biology course and in regards to health you will only earn 1/2 of the credit for that class. It would be beneficial to talk to your school counselors.

What happens if you only fail one quarter in 8th grade?

noting much but you can't fail any more i might fail and i have a bad grade so pray for me but don't fail any more

Can a student fail a physical education class?

Yes, they can. Usually it is because of absences or avoidance of participation in class activities. Occasionally there may be an issue if the student does not meet goals in physical education. But, effort counts.

Can you pass 7Th grade if you fail an elective?

Passing 7th grade typically requires passing all core subjects. Failing an elective may impact your overall GPA but should not prevent you from moving on to the next grade as long as you pass your core subjects. It's best to check with your school's policies to understand specific requirements.

Do you fail if you fail the Science Fcat?

Only in 4th grade. It'll just put you in intensive science.

What grade in America is 6th class in Ireland?

It is the same in America, only it is called 6th grade, not class.

Is it bad to fail 5th grade or any grade?

I think its not because if you only fail once that wont be the worse, but if you fail multiple times maybe itll afect your collage or univirsity/job grades or aspects

Can you sue a college teacher for an unfair failure?

Only if they failed you due to discriminatory practices and or the failure was against State Standards. Also, if it caused you to fail the class it will help your case. Evidence will have to be substantial though.