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No you cannot.

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Q: Can you feed a budgie bicarbonate-soda?
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How much food should I give my budgie?

Please answer! I might get a budgie and I want to know how much food I should feed it.

How much to feed a budgies?

2-3 tsps per budgie

Can you feed your budgie chives?

I gave my budgie a small piece of dried chive and he loved it! Most greens are okaay for budgies but id double check.

What will happen if you feed your budgie only millet daily?

Millet is very high fat and to be used as a treat only. Most likely if you only feed spray millet your budgie will develop tumors in 2-3 years.

Should you force feed a budgie?

When in doubt, force-feeding is usually the right thing to do

How often should i Hand feed my 5 week old budgie?

every 4 to 5 hours

Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?

The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

I feed my budgie on a mostly seed diet so Why is my budgie doing watery yellow droppings?

the yellow= food diet colour. watery= lack of variety and/or ill Your bird needs to see an avian veterinarian, this indicates illness.

Does it mean that when a budgie has colourful feathers it is more healthy?

Definitely! If a budgie has dull feathers, it may not be getting proper nutrients, but if it has feathers that look like a sickly greenish-brown color, it need WAY more water. it may being poisoned with too much nutrients. DO NOT over-feed these things But, yes. If your little Budgie buddy has colorful feathers, and seems to not lack energy, he is the picture of health! Have fun with your Budgie!

What kinds of food do budgies not eat?

they do not eat meat and NEVER feed them avacado because they can get very sick from it. You can't feed them other foods humans may have except for vegetables, fruits and budgie seeds.

How do you say budgie in German?

budgie = Wellensittich

Can a budgie be albino?

yes a budgie can be albino. you can also get a lutino budgie which is yellow with red eyes