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Yes. Theobromine doesn't affect cattle like it affects horses, dogs, cats and rodents, but chocolate is still high in carbohydrates and starch which would affect the animal just like feeding it too much grain would. So moderation should be practiced when feeding cattle chocolate, just like feeding grain.

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Q: Can you feed a cow chocolate and how much before it is harmful?
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Not to my knowledge, but DO NOT FEED IT TO YOUR HEDGEHOGS! They have sensitive digestive tracts and it will do much more harm than good.

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Chocolate has an ingredient in it that is toxic to dogs and puppies. Please DO NOT feed chocolate to them. It does not instantly kill them, but hurts the liver and kidneys and eventually this will kill them.

How much chocolate will dogs need to die?

im not sure but you really shouldn't feed your dogs chocolate because it will get them really sick and hurt inocent lives. A dog that eats too much chocolate will not die instantly, it will suffer severely first. Animal cruelty is illegal.

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It depends how much milk their is in the chocolate bar.

Do cats eat fish milk and cat foods?

cats do it fish, milk and cat food (thats why it is called cat food.) however if you feed them to much milk they become obeese. they also like egg. do not ever feed a cat chocolate - chocolate is like a poison to cats. hope this helps :)

What happends when you feed a dog chocolate?

Well when I gave my dog chocolate he started jumping and wouldn't stop, then slept all the next day. It's best not to ever give chocolate to a dog because of how it reacts with their system as a poisonous compound.

What effect does chocolate have if you eat too much during pregnancy?

Chocolate contains low levels of caffeine. High doses could be harmful to the baby. They say up to ~2 cups of coffee worth a day is safe during pregnancy.