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Q: Can you feed rabbit pellets to geese?
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Can you feed a dwarf rabbit carrots?

No, it will get indigestion. Rabbit pellets are much better

What is the right amount to feed a rabbit?

pellets ,meadow hey,parrot,pear , apple , peas and so on rabbit feed

What do you feed your pet rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit a variety of things such as pellets and alfalfa or timothy hay. You can also go to a local pet store and purchase rabbit food.

How should I feed my rabbit vegetables when she absolutely hates them?

If your rabbit hates vegetables, try leafy greens. If she won't eat leafy greens, buy commercial rabbit pellets to feed her.

Can rabbits eat straw?

yes, they can, as straw is better for bedding than 1/2 should feed your rabbit about 50% of the daily food should be hay/timothy hay/alfalfa hay (for pregnant or growing rabbits). and the other 50% should be 16-18% rabbit feed (pellets).feed resource's:*no food, cant get to the store today?answer: feed your rabbit 1 handful (NO MORE) cracked corn or oat meal (UN cooked). this should no be continued for more than 2 days!* what type of pellets should be fed?answer: -16% rabbit pellets: before shows or to slim down your rabbit.- 17% rabbit pellets: casual feed.- 18% rabbit pellets: fatten up your rabbit.*what type of hay?answer: alfalfa: pregnant or growing rabbitstimothy: to fatten up rabbitnormal 1st cut hay: casual hay feed.ALWAYS FEED YOU RABBIT TREATS AND FRUIT/ VEGGIES DAILY!thank you

How many kilograms of pellets do you feed your rabbit?

It's recommended to limit your rabbit's pellets. Pellets are relatively high in protein and fat, even high quality varieties, and if your rabbit overeats then serious illness can result. A healthy quantity for a normal 6 pound adult rabbit is somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 cup per day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

What do yo feed your rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit different things: -Pellets -Greens -Fruit -Veggies It is important not to give them too many fruits because it has a high amount of sugar in it and isn't the healthiest snak for your rabbit :)

What do demosticated rabbits eat?

12-18% rabbit pellets from a feed store, supplemented by fresh greens

What do you feed your rabbit after she has had babies?

Feed her a little bit more of what you normally feed her. A little more fruit, greens, and pellets; just be sure it's not too much!

Why should you not feed rabbit pellets to chinchillas?

Chinchillas need to be fed a high quality pellet and some of those high quality pellets are indeed rabbit pellets.. such as.. Purina Rabbit show, Nutrina Naturewise and Manna Pro. Just remember not all rabbit foods are safe for chinchillas to eat. Qualty chinchilla pellets are: the kline diet, tradition, mazuri, oxbow and some ranchers have their own formula.

Do you only feed pellets to a baby rabbit?

ARE U KIDDING ME MAYBE look it up somewhere else like in a book!

What to feed wild baba rabbits?

Wild baby rabbits can eat rabbit pellets, hay and carrots when they are two weeks old. Before that you should hand feed them.