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Q: Can you feed your baby bearded dragon locusts?
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Should you feed your bearded dragon grasshoppers?

no! just crickets and some locusts. If it's a baby crickets if its an adult locusts

Can you overfeed a baby bearded dragon?

You can not over feed a bearded dragon. Well you CAN but it's very rare.

Can you feed your baby bearded dragon slugs?

yes i haveone and i fed it slugs and she ate the rest!!!!

How many mices can you feed a bearded dragon every week?

Mice are NOT part of their natural diet ! They feed on small insects (crickets, small locusts, wax worms etc) and green, leafy vegetables !

Can you feed bearded dragon chocolate?

Absolutely NOT ! Since WHEN would a Bearded Dragon encounter chocolate in the wild !

What are some good stuff to feed bearded dragons?

Crickets and locusts. Also a few mealworms.

What can be done for a bearded dragon that stops eating?

feed it

Can you feed your bearded dragon onions?

no do not feed bearded dragons onions,kiwi, orange,lemon,grapefruit or tomatoes

How do you feed fruit to a bearded dragon?

Simple - put it in a small bowl inside the vivarium. If the Bearded Dragon wants to eat, it will when it's hungry.

How long will it take for your baby bearded dragon to get 5 pounds?

it takes a few weeks but also it depend on how big the cage is and how often u feed it.

How many insects do you feed a bearded dragon?

about for adults 6 or 7

Can you feed your bearded dragon baby food?

they eat bugsbut they might try it. my science teacher had bearded dragons and he feed them lettuce but they did not allways go for it. I have a leopard gecko and he some times eats it just cut it up first