Which is a better pet guinea pig or bearded dragon?
The choice between a guinea pig and a bearded dragon as a pet ultimately depends on the individual's preferences and lifestyle. Guinea pigs are social animals that require companionship and a specific diet high in Vitamin C, while bearded dragons are solitary reptiles that need a warm habitat and a diet of live insects and vegetables. Consider factors such as space requirements, time commitment, and interaction preferences before deciding which pet would be a better fit for you.
Where and how do bearded dragons find food in the wild?
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! In the wild, bearded dragons are like little explorers, searching for their meals in a variety of places. They use their sharp eyesight to spot insects, plants, and even small animals to munch on. It's all part of their natural way of finding nourishment and staying healthy in their environment.
How do you pronounce pogona vitticeps?
Oh, dude, it's pronounced like "puh-GO-nuh vuh-TIP-seps." Yeah, it's like one of those fancy scientific names for a bearded dragon. But hey, don't stress about it too much, just say it confidently and people will think you know what you're talking about.
What kind of lighting does urchins need?
Urchins prefer moderate to low lighting in aquariums. Excessive lighting can stress them out. It's important to monitor their behavior and adjust the lighting accordingly to ensure they are comfortable and healthy.
Is uv light at night enough time for turtle?
No, turtles need a basking light or heat lamp during the day to maintain their body temperature and to help with digestion and metabolizing calcium. UV light at night is not sufficient for turtles. It is important to provide a proper light cycle for your turtle's health and well-being.
How do you set up a bearded dragon tank?
Here are the essentials for a Bearded Dragons cage Bearded Dragons must have at least two sources of heat. They need a long UVB light lamp and a heat lamp with at least a 60 watt bulb. You must maintain at least 80 degrees in its terrarium. The UVB bulb is important because it supplies vitamins and other nutrients that the sun gives off, but never place the terrarium in direct sunlight. For the flooring you should use sand or small rocks, but if you have a baby bearded dragon you should use terrarium liner. Terrarium liner is easier to clean. The babies do not pay much attention to what they are eating, so when they ingest sand they will digest their intestines and die. They also need plants such as cactus, long grass, and plants you may find in a dessert, but try not to put any more than four plants. Remember, make the terrarium as close to a dessert biome as you can. You may want to put a dessert back drop, because if the terrarium is near a mirror, the lizard may get confused and might try to attack his reflection and will result in him hurting himself. Last, you must place a dish of water in the cage, also place either small or large crickets, flightless fruit flies, and/or meal worms in the cage. All of these items may seem pricey, but I believe it is worth it. Most of these supplies can be purchased at Pet Co and Pet Smart.
Are bearded dragons illegal to keep as pets in the USA?
Bearded dragons are not native to Arizona so it is either a pet that got loose, or it isn't a bearded dragon. I see no reason it would be illegal to have since they are native only to Australia.
Why do bearded dragons eat their babies?
Lizards eat anything they can handle, including smaller lizards. There are no lizards that have specialized feeding on other lizards, they catch smaller individuals only opportunistically. This is called cannibalism.
Will a bigger bearded dragon eat a smaller bearded dragon?
I may not own one but I plan on getting one and i did research.I found out..YES a bigger bearded dragon will eat a smaller one if they are both males
Do bearded dragons eat maggots?
DO NOT FEED THEM MAGGOTS. not meaning to be harsh, but maggots hold lots of bacteria, even if they are bred. they eat dead or rotten animals, or plants, but whatever they eat, your beardie eats, and your beardie could get very sick
Why does your bearded dragon scratch the walls of his cave when you put him to sleep?
Maybe because you're warm.
Are silkworms good for bearded dragons?
Yes, they are very rich in nutrients and full of protein without a hard chitin shell that can be hard to digest like mealworms and superworms. The blue color looks a little strange but they are fine. Some Dragons don't like them as much as others, so I would just get one or two from your local supply store if possible to try it out, and I still wouldn't make it a staple, but as a treat once a week or so would be fine.
Where did the bearded dragon get its name?
They have small hairs on their chin (flot). Even though people say dragons are mystical, the Bible talks a lot about mystical creatures in revelation. Just thought I should say that>>>
Can an eastern water dragon live with a bearded dragon?
Absolutely NOT ! Those two lizards are from completely different eco systems and should NEVER be housed together !
Trying to put them together would result in stress for BOTH of them - probably resulting in health issues, loss of appetite and eventually death !
Can bearded dragons drink tap water?
Well - it's never done MY reptiles any harm in the 25 plus years I've been keeping them. I'd recommend warming the water (to room temperature) when you replenish it - just so the lizard doesn't drink cold water. Other than that - it'll be fine.
Can you use wood shavings for a bearded dragon cage?
Yes you do ! ALL cage 'furniture' should be washed thoroughly in a weak solution of something like 'Milton fluid' (the stuff they sterilize bottles with) - then rinse THOROUGHLY before allowing to dry naturally.
Bearded dragon seems to gasp for air?
bearded dragons can gasp for air if they have respiratory issues which can be caused by high humidity or a cold environment. Bearded dragons are from Australia and living in dry hot areas.
Can you feed a bearded dragon asparagus?
yes but we usually feed it lettice and mean worms or crickets
Do bearded dragons like to be in the same cage together?
If you get a Bearded dragon lizard it requires a lot of different lamps and every day you must take it out of the cage and spend time with it ,wich they sort of just lay on you, or it will become very very mean and uncontrollable The answer to the actual question is they are much happier together