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Even if you do feel it, you probably won't remember it... or be awake for it for that matter.

Cut the Xanax

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Q: Can you feel extacy on Xanax?
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What does herbal Xanax feel like compared to Xanax?

Herbal xanax is not even close to as potent even in doses 100x stronger than xanax (milligram per milligram). Xanax is prescription depressant and herbal xanax is a blend of herbal supplements. It is a misleading name and will not make you feel the same way even in huge doses.

How does love make people feel?

It makes you feel like your floating on a cloud. It's hard not to smile you feel high but better then any drug. It's true extacy

Is Triazolam and Xanax the same?

of course xanax can be taken with meth and you will feel euphoric. where have you been that u didnt know this.

Is it true if you take Klonopin or similar prescriptions regularly you may not feel extacy effects?

yes it does for me its better to do the mdma then the klonipin

Symptoms when Xanax wears off?

you feel more awake and alert

What is Xanax and the effects use with Alcohol?

Great night that could be your last....Xanax and jack will make you feel 10ft tall and bullet proof

Can a person on extacy transfer it's affect to a person not doing extacy and have it show up in there urine?

can a person on extacy transfer it's affect to a person that is not doing the drug and have it show up in there urine

What are Rolls?

It's extacy.

What are the names for extacy?


Can you smoke weed Paxil kolnopin and xanax together with methadone?

no,you would feel the hgh of cannibis,methadome. Xanax burns,but the chemical wastes,so i wouldnt.

What hapend use of Xanax after cocaine?

depends on amount..but very bad idea...xanax mellows you out and coc speeds u up and u feel the cocain over xanax so dont mix, waist

What are facts about extacy?

extacy is a really addictive drug , it makes you feel happy but yet angry at the same time one or two pills is enough for a full time user usually take half a pill on your first time , dont pee while your on it , you loose your spinal fluid you feel really cuddly and affectionate. and you loose all the feeling in your body.