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no,you would feel the hgh of cannibis,methadome. Xanax burns,but the chemical wastes,so i wouldnt.

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Q: Can you smoke weed Paxil kolnopin and xanax together with methadone?
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What will it do if you smoke 54 142 Methadone hydrochloride?

you will die

How exactly do you smoke a 10mg methadone pill?

Crush the pill up, put the powder on foil and smoke it.

How do you float a bout while smoking methadone?

one does not simply smoke methodone

What happens when taking methadone and weed together?

Since methadone is an opiate, the effect of taking methadone and opium together is similar to the effect of taking either one separately but in larger quantity. It's a bit like asking what happens if you drink both vodka and gin. There is a risk of overdose, and of course a risk of addiction although anyone doing this is probably addicted already.The above answer is stupid and incorrect. This is not a good idea. If your tolerance to opiates is considerable than you will get really high and sleepy. If not you could Overdose (fall asleep and die.) I have been on methadone for 5 years and one night I drank to much alcohol and fell asleep in my chair, if my daughter had not come home the doctors told me I would be dead. Methadone can really knock you for a loop if you are not careful.

Can you smoke 5 mg methadone pills?

Yes you can. It's a great way to experience this wonderful chemical. ...To elaborate... Yes you can smoke a methadone pill, BUT from experience, it is a complete waste. Smoking it gives no significant rush or high and if anything your losing precious milligrams. Methadone is a slow acting opiod and takes a while to kick in no matter how you take it.

What did Brittany Murphy smoke?

she didn't take any,she just went crazy for a little while o_0

What could happen if you took methadone and percocet together?

Don't take them together Granted all medicines have different effects for different people I wouldn't I have been puking every two hours until it was out of my system and I took them on a full stomach. I'm not sure of your reason but I would suggest against it but then again its just me.--( It's not just you it happens to me too. the reason your not suppose to is because one is trying to ween you off of opiates the "methadone" and a perk has opiates in it and together you will puke all day, especially if you smoke cigarettes because for some reason that sets off the puking.

What drug can you use to get fat?

I know for a fact if you take Methadone regularly you will gain at least twenty pounds. Especially for woman not so much men. However I do not recommend this at all. I would advise you to Smoke marijuana which increases appetite and results in weight gain, over the Methadone.

How do you breed a smoke dragon on DragonVale?

To get a Smoke Dragon, breed a fire and air dragon together.

When smoke and fog from together in the atmosphere they become?


What are the effects of smoking marijuana after taking Paxil?

Pot is great with Paxil. I get all the positives of being high with none of the panic or anxiety of being high. Great combo!! I also thought it was a great combo...pot can cause depression (yes, it did for me) and paxil lessens the depression. I took paxil for 11 years and was an everyday pot smoker for the same length of time. I was also taking clonazepam and wellbutrin In 2007 I ended up in the hospital suffering from extreme paranoia and psychosis. Also I could not urinate!! I had to use a catheter (for about 2 weeks, then I was going normally again) Man, that was scary!!! The doctors took me off the paxil and told me I could never smoke marijuana again. This doesn't happen to everyone, why it happened to me, I don't know.