

Can you file for child support in Texas if you live in CA?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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It gets filed in the state of residence of the obligor.

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Q: Can you file for child support in Texas if you live in CA?
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In Texas can you file child support on yourself?

No. If you are under 18 and not graduated from high school, you should live with either of your parents. If you attempt to file child support for yourself, the court can make you live with the parent that you request child support from, if you are not already living with your custodial parent.

You wont to file child support order against your child's father and you live in Louisiana and the father lives in Texas where should you file?

Get an attorney who's licensed in Texas and specializes in family law.

Does your child have to be born in Texas to receive Texas child support if you live in Texas?


Can i file for child support if i live with my child's father?

In general, child support is paid by absent parents.

If you were court ordered to pay child support in a divorce and have more kids later on how do you have the initial amt of child support lowered for the first kid from the divorce?

It depends upon the state you live in and what their laws are regarding modification of child support. In Texas, for example, you would need to file a modification of child support.

How would I go about getting court-ordered DNA test if I live in Louisiana and the child lives in Texas?

you file in Texas for paternity and other relief. file where the child lives.

Do you get child support if the person is retired?

File a claim with the County Child Support Devision. Most people who retire have some sort of income that they live on and child support will be taken from those funds.

How does residential parent drop child support?

They would file for termination of child support at the agency in charge of collection and disbursement of support payments in the area where they live.

Can you file for child support if you live in Ireland and the father lives in England?

Yes, no matter where the father lives they should support their child no matter what!

If a father was receiving child support in Texas and the child chooses to live with the other parent do you have to pay the other parent child support?

If the arrangement is with the consent of the custodial parent and will be permanent then the custody and child support orders must be modified to reflect the change in legal custody. The parent in Texas needs to have their custody formalized by a court order so they can enroll the child in school, consent to medical treatment, etc. If the child support order is not modified the non-custodial parent may be subject to the accumulation of child support arrears.

How can you file or can you file for child support if you live in Mexico and your childrens father lives in California?

No. You have to be a U.S Resident. In other words, you have to live in the U.S and prove that you really live there.

Does your child support stop if you have ten kids you live in Texas?

Why would that have any affect on it?