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If the buyout caused you to lose your job, through no fault of your own, you would be eligible for unemployment, if all other requirements were met.

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Q: Can you file for unemployment if another company buys out the company you work for and the company you worked for is not in business?
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If a person is fired after the business they work for is acquired by another company which company is responsible for the unemployment?

I am guessing here but I would say the current company. If you worked at all for the second company I would say they are responsible, but if you didn't I would say the first company. Just file for the unemployment and let the department figure it out.

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Try to persuade another company to do business with you.

Can you get unemployment if your company that you worked for goes out of business and you are forced to take early retirement to make ends meet in the state of Pennsylvania...after working 41 years?

Because your company does not exist anymore, your leaving should be considered for good and reasonable cause so it should not prevent your eligibility for unemployment.

If you quit a job and go work for another company and the new company lays you off after nine months which conpany is responsible for your unemployment benefits?

In the UK -The company you quit has no responsibility to you.The company that has just laid you off will need to provide you will statutory redundancy pay (if any, you may not have worked for long enough) for the period for which you worked for them.Your unemployment benefits (from the state) will be due to you because of the national insurance contributions, a portion of which is garnered from your wages and another portion paid by your employers (both companies). If you have enough qualifying payments you will be entitled to job seekers allowance.

Working for a ca company for 10 years but worked from home in az. can i get ca unemployment?

Were you an independent contractor? If so, sorry, unemployment benefits would not apply to you.If the company is based in CA, it does not matter your place of residence, as it is based off the company's base of operations.Start here, and fill out the necessary forms online. luck!

Can you receive unemployment if you never worked?

No. You only collect unemployment benefits from the "liable state" (which collected payroll taxes from the employer an applicant had worked for). However, if you had worked in another state during the current base year for that state, the "agent state" (where you live) can help you collect from that state.

Where can i file for unemployment in Massachusetts?

I worked in Ma but like in Nh where do I file for unemployment ?

Can you apply for unemployment if your company was closing and prior to the close they offered an incentive to retire?

It would depend on the state you worked in and the nature of your "incentive to retire".

Can you still collect unemployment from North Carolina if you move to another state?

Yes, as long as you comply with North Carolina's regulations concerning the move.

Can a person from one state apply for unemployment in another state?

Only the "liable state" pays the benefits. That is the state where you worked when you lost your job. You can apply through another "agency state" to help in receiving those benefits from the liable state, however.

Can you receive unemployment if you worked for a church?

It depends upon the conditions of your work. If you worked as an unpaid volunteer, then your cannot receive unemployment benefits on that basis. If you were a paid employee, then you can.

Can you apply for unemployment benefits as a permanent resident?

depends on how long you have worked and if you have paid in enough to qualify. when you apply there is a process that determines if you get it or not. you must attempt to find a job and prove you are looking. if you were laid off because the company went out of business you have a chance of getting benefits but if you did something wrong, no.