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The technology is getting there, I do know that most pregnancy tests are capable of detecting up to 5 days before the first missed period.

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Q: Can you find out you are pregnant if you are only 2 weeks along?
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Can you find out if you're pregnant after 2 weeks?

Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

According to your LMP you were 7 weeks pregnant but the dr said that according to the size of the sac you were only 5.4 but the sac was empty is this possible?

Yes, this is possible. One of my friends misscarried her first child when she was only 6 weeks along. She kept on going to the doctor and such. Well, she started to get sick at about 8 weeks pregnant. She went to the hospital and they could find nothing wrong with her. Finally when she was 12 weeks along she got so sick that she had to go to the emergency room. They found that she had misscarried 6 weeks earlier and that was what was making her sick. She is fine now. Had healthy pregnancy and baby and is now pregnant again:) Good luck and God Bless:)

10 week size uterus but only 7 weeks pregnant?

either your child is huge or you are further along than you thought

On glee why is Quinn so skinny if she is pregnant?

she's only about 4weeks along, it doesnt show until about 6-8 weeks

I am ten weeks pregnant and i haven't started to show is that normal?

Yes that is - i am 16 weeks and not showing just yet and my sister in law only showed at 20 weeks she is now 25 weeks along and she has a tiny little bump

How can you be 4 weeks pregnant but really only 2 weeks pregnant?

no if you wore you should get rid of it because your too young

You are 5 weeks pregnant and very bloated is that normal?

Bloating during pregnancy is VERY normal. I am 16 weeks pregnant now and some days I still have extreme bloating. Even when I was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I looked much more than that because I was so bloated. It does get better though the further along you get.

You are a couple weeks pregnant but your body feels like im much further along why?

your body goes thro alotof changes during the first week of pregnancy so as it may seem your farther along but in reality you are only a few weeks alothough you may have miscalculated how far along you to see the doctor

Are you really considered pregnant at only 4 weeks?

There's no such thing as "just a little pregnant."

You are 5 weeks pregnant and have been spotting for 4 days only when you wipe yourself?

i am 5 weeks pregnant and i have been spotting for four days only when i wipe myself tho

Can you tell if your pregnant in your tubes if it only two weeks?

If you are having a tubal aka eptopic pregnancy you can find out at 2 weeks bc your egg emplanted in your tubes and not your uterus which would have taken it another 2 weeks to travel there.

My gynae told me that my ultrasound shows i have a 9 weeks sac but my foetus is only 7 weeks old.i also have bleeding now.How is this possible?

Because pregnancy starts during your 'last' period. Pregnancy begins even before conception. So that means your body was already preparing for the baby (which is what it does after your monthly cycle) before the sperm and egg were joined. are nine weeks pregnant...but your fetus is only 7 weeks along because conception only happened 7 weeks ago...but your body began preparing nine weeks ago. I found that weird too when I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant when I had sex only 5 weeks prior. Hope that helps.