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Yes, be sure to know local codes as for proper repair and inspection of lines to be fixed.

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Q: Can you fix septic tank field lines yourself?
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What is the minimum distance for a pool from septic tank field lines?

minimum of 10 feet

What holds waste from homes when a sewer lines is not available?

They have a septic tank. It is a tank underground, roughly 4x6x6 feet and a lateral field which is a series of perforated pipes that let the water seep into the ground.

How are lateral lines on septic tank repaired?

They are replaced. The old lateral field is taken out, new lines and gravel is are put down and covered.

What does a high water level in septic tank mean?

It means that the drainage lines that lead away from the septic tank are clogged.

Can you replace field lines on old septic tank?

Yes, I have done it a few times. ( of course, in many areas new regulations forbid this now)

What if sewage pipes run into woods and you need to get a septic tank how do you get one without getting fined?

If you have sewage pipes that run into the woods instead of into a septic tank, you would need to replace them in order to not get fined. You would need to disconnect the existing sewage lines and replace with lines that run into a septic tank.

Can I clean my septic tank myself?

It is unadvisable to clean your septic tank yourself, because opening the tank can release dangerouse gases and bacteria. Thus, it is best to hire a professional for this job.

Can your neighbor's unmaintained septic tank affect your drainage field?

Big time

How much does a septic tank inspection cost, or can you do it yourself?

You should have a pumper inspect your system to determine if the accumulation of solid waste is too high and needs to be removed. You should not inspect the tank yourself since the gasses that accumulate in the tank can be lethal. The cost of a professional septic tank inspection can vary widely, depending upon where you live and what size and type of septic tank you have. It may be best to call the manufacturer of your specific septic tank or visit their website to determine the price range of such an inspection.

How does a septic tank look?

A septic tank and its accompanying drain field are both several feet underground, and so from ground level they do not "look" like anything at all. Sometimes grass is more green over a septic tank, but this is not necessarily so. Even a septic tank specialist cannot locate your tank by looking. They would need to use a special probe or a line detector.

How deep can a septic tank be. Is it ok to put gravel on top, or dirt Will it hurt the drain field?

Septic tanks may be installed at any depth in the soil. The main factors that determine the depth of the tank are sewer line depth, and the site conditions. It is ok to put gravel or dirt over your septic tank. If you have six or more inches of dirt you can grow grass as well.Putting gravel or dirt over the septic tank will not harm the drain field.

What do we need to do for a septic system that has a draining problem when the ground gets saturated with rain water?

If you have a septic tank it needs to be cleaned out professionally. If you hva e septic field it needs to be enlarged.