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no u have to freeze it in a plastic box

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Q: Can you freeze left over meals in those paper plates?
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If you registration is expired can you transfer those plates?

no those plates match that car you will get in more trouble for switching plates than not haning any at all

Are plastic or paper plates better for a party?

The answer to this question would all depend on your personal needs and priorities. I believe any effort to conserve natural resources (paper is made from wood) as much as possible is a good thing. On the other hand, cleaning non-paper products utilizes time and other resources (water) as well. I still prefer this because I feel my family at least reduces the amount of paper waste it puts out. The worst possible option, in my opinion, is styrofoam plates since they take eons to decompose once they're disposed. Certainly using ceramic or glass plates presents a more elegant or formal table. Generally my family uses these the most since I cook frequently at home, and a few more plates makes little or no difference in the amount of time or resources needed for cleaning up. We reserve the use of paper plates to only those occasions where the use of non-paper plates would be a waste of resources to clean them.

What are the Good effects of biodegradable pollutants?

it depends... if its like leaves in a river they will decompose and just return nutrients but if its those paper plates they decompose but they still leave some traces

C There are two types of tectonic plates oceanic and continental what is the difference between these two types of plates?

The lithosphere displaces the asthenoshpere. Thick tectonic plates, such as those made of continental crust, displace more asthenosphere than do thin plates, such as those made of oceanic lithosphere. The lithosphere displaces the asthenoshpere. Thick tectonic plates, such as those made of continental crust, displace more asthenosphere than do thin plates, such as those made of oceanic lithosphere.

How do you get past a security freeze on your credit report?

You prove that you are who you say you are, and you request that the freeze be lifted. When you established the freeze on your credit report, you were given instructions about how to 'un-freeze' it -- you can follow those instructions.

What are the large thin plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of earth called?

They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

Is the crust made of tectonic plates?

Yes, it is made of tectonic plates and those plates have names e.g. Indo Australian plate, Eurasion plate

Is the crust made out of tectonic plates?

Yes, it is made of tectonic plates and those plates have names e.g. Indo Australian plate, Eurasion plate

How do you speed up your motablism?

exercise, routine of daily meals, content of meals, amount of calories consumed as opposed to those expended

Can you be pulled over solely for having a new car with paper plates?

No, those are temporary plates. They are good until they expire. But, what cops like to do is find anything you do wrong and pull you over for it, because they think you won't have insurance because you 'just bought the car.' If you get pulled over and ticketed because of temps, and your actual plates haven't come in yet, I would fight the ticket.

Do you need car insurance on a car that you do not drive in the state of Delaware?

If you have plates on it, and you intend to keep those plates, then yes.

How many plates are there in the world?

Depends on what you mean by 'plates'. There is a kind of platter called a plate, and there are many, MANY of those in the world. If you mean tectonic plates....then I can't tell you.