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No, it wouldn't be healthy. The most you are supposed to lose in 2 weeks is about 5 pounds, give or take a couple. When I first started doing weight watchers, I was hungry all the time for the first week, and I only lost 2.5 pounds (the 2nd week I was not as hungry, and I lost the same).

It also depends on your body and what you are doing for exercise. I exercise a lot and the 3rd week I did weight watchers, I gained 2 pounds, and then the 4th week I lost them again. Sometimes weight will fluctuate like that when you diet & exercise, so it's not going to just come off the way that you want it to. My goal is also to lose 15 pounds...I've been doing weight watchers and exercising regularly for about 6 weeks, and I've lost 7.5 pounds total. Having a weight loss goal is great, but make sure to give yourself a realistic timeline or you might give up too quickly.

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Q: Can you gain 15 pounds in 2 weeks?
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How can you gain 15 pounds in about 2 weeks?

u cant. i think u could maybe gain about half of that if u took dianabol n ate like a monster but most of the weight gained would be water weight.

If you are 5' 2 and weigh 160 pounds how can you lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks?

You can't. That's a pound a day. You didn't gain that weight at that rate, you cannot expect to lose it at that rate. A sensible diet and exercise can help you drop about a third of that safely.

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Not in a healthy manner, that's a pound a day! You didn't gain it in two weeks, don't expect to lose it in two weeks. A healthy diet and exercise is the safest route and should allow you to lose about 5 pounds in that time. You'd be amazed at how much of a difference that will make.

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It is impossible to be healthy and lose 20 pounds in two weeks especially at 15. The standard rate to lose weight is 2-3 pounds per week.

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1 to 2 pounds a weeks is a healthy rate to lose weight. The first few weeks will certainly be much faster, as much as 5 pounds or so. But you didn't gain all the weight in a few weeks, so don't expect to lose it in a few weeks.

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I had lost 15 pounds in 1 and 1/2 weeks by following this diet solution.

How can you lose 15 ibs in 2 weeks?

To lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks would be not only impossible but nowhere near safe. That kind of weight loss would require a daily caloric deficit of 3,750, which would be extremely dangerous.

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I don't think so. That's too much even without eating.

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That's about the equivalent to 0.057 pounds.

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