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Q: Can you get HPV when both are STDs free?
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Can you transmit STD diagnosed with HPV?

Yes, you can transmit HPV or other STDs if you have been diagnosed with HPV. Using condoms can lower the risk.

Is HPV a viral STD?

HPV is a viral STD. HPV can cause genital warts or cancerous/precancerous lesions in the cervix or anus.

Your partner had HPV you were tested and got 100 percent no STDs?

There's no commerically available test for HPV, so you could not have gotten "100% no STDs." Please contact your health care provider to learn what infections were and were not tested.

Why are herpes and HPV more dangerous than other STDs?

Herpes and HPV are not necessarily more dangerous than other STDs, but they are more troublesome because there is no medication to cure them. Treatment to decrease symptoms and complications is available.

Can a woman be diagnosed with HPV and her partner diagnosed with a totally different STD?

Yes, two partners can be diagnosed with different STDs. STDs do not always transmit.

Can you get hpv from a male?

Both males and females can carry and transmit HPV.

Free HSV and HPV dating site only free?

The best and only HSV and HPV free dating site that I know is its really good!

If have been hpv free could you still pass it along?

No. If you have not had HPV and, you cannot pass along.

What are the some of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases caused by viruses?

Genital warts (HPV), herpes, HIV, hepatitis, and molluscum contagiosum are the viral STDs.

Should you go to an emergency room if you think you have hpv?

You would be better off going to your family doctor and get checked over. STDs are not the specialty of ER doctors or PAs.

How HPV produces warts?

HPV is one of the most common STDs. It can produce warts or cancers. Either are rapid undefined growth of the cell. Normally, cells in tissues have "governors" that prevent their uncontrolled growth and spread. This is lost and warts are seen instead of normal tissue.

Are STDs found in blood or semen?

potentially both.