

Can you get a STD FROM snot?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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6y ago

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If the seminal fluid is infected, even a microscopic amount of it can transmit disease.
None at all. All that is needed for a Sexually Transmitted Disease is close skin to skin or oral contact. Particularly more so when it invoves the genital areas. Penetration or ejaculation are not necessary for the transmission of many STD.

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10y ago

Not neccessarily, but you might if the sperm-giver has an STD. Any close mingling of infected body fluids can transmit STDs.
Yes. Semen is not just sperm but a combination of fluids. These are what carry STD's.
Ejaculate can carry a STD.
Very possible
Yes it can.

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10y ago

if he did not touch the inside of your mouth, your genital area, or your blood that could go back in your body then, no.
Yes you can get STIs by engaging in those activities.

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