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Yes. I know a few people who have a life experience degree and work in China. I also heard that they gave a visa to a Lady from US who had a life experience degree from unaccredited college. I personally think its more of a matter of luck.

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Q: Can you get a Z teacher's visa in China with a life experience degree?
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What does a degree do in life experience?

No, you cannot get a degree in life experience. You can learn as you get a degree and that can add to your life.

Where can I get a life experience diploma?

Life experience is based on your degree and experience. I would not get a degree in that.

What is a Life Experience Degree?

Life experience degree is degree that can be obtain through your experience from your respective field. Earning this degree is very flexible because you don't have to attend classes and take exams.

Where can I get a life experience accredited degree?

A life experience accredited degree is a degree that is partially based on past experience that you have and can apply towards your degree. There are a variety of options for life experience degrees, and you can find more information on this subject here:

What is a life experience diploma and how will it help me?

A life experience degree is a degree is rewarded to individuals who have demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience in a given field, in addition to taking college courses. You must tread carefully when choosing a life experience degree program, though. Many are offered by institutions that are not accredited, and even a life experience degree from an accredited institution will not guarantee employment.

What is life experience degree?

The existence of Life experience degrees can be unbelievable, but life experience degrees really exist. Life experience degrees can be got through past experiences in a related field. Keep in mind companies will hire people if only they have a specific degree. Then a life experience degree is a great help to improve the professional life. It has been designed specially who can not get a professional degree due to various reasons, like taking years of study for a degree.

Where can I go to get a degree in life experience ?

Can you get a degree of life experience?

There are some colleges and universities who will evaluate life experience, and award credit toward a degree. However, there is no degree - that I am aware of - in life experience. The credit awarded for life experience must be particular to a specific program of study, and there will be a cutoff as to how many credits they will accept. You might want to Google 'life experience degrees suck' to get a different perspective. There are also some informative Youtubes under that search term.

How long to get a life experience degree?

A life experience degree can take approximately 4 years to obtain. A more detailed explanation on the subject is given by:

Can I gat a life experience accredited degree through an online education?

No you can not earn a degree alone on life experience, But you can earn a degree by transferring credits or portfolio. Though most degrees require complete new learning.

Get A Life Experience College Degree ?

You've worked hard throughout your life, but now it's time to get a degree. You shouldn't have to start from the very beginning of your education. Your life experience should stand for something. You can get a life experience college degree at many universities that will allow you to test in a number of subjects to give you the credit needed to get the degree in a number of subjects.How a Life Experience College Degree is BetterThere are more and more adult students pursuing a higher education, which is why the necessity has been to create a life experience college degree. Many companies are requiring their employees to have a bachelor's degree or even higher to be considered for promotions, regardless of how long a person has worked for the company. Instead of taking 4 years to complete a bachelor's degree, however, you can reduce that time significantly by using your life experience to help you.When you find a college that offers a life experience college degree, you not only save money but you complete your degree faster. This allows you to get back in the game at your job to move up the corporate ladder, increasing your pay as well as your status.Finding Colleges that Offer a Life Experience College DegreeNot all colleges and universities believe in offering a life experience college degree, which means you're going to have to do some research. Many colleges that offer distance or online degrees will often allow you to get a life experience degree, so this is a really good place to start. You can also visit the websites of some of the colleges near you to see if they offer this as well.Since you want to avoid getting a full degree if possible, the life experience college degree has been known to help a lot of people. Find out from your employer if they will accept this kind of degree. If you have an HR department, they may be able to give you a list of universities to talk with.

Is there a school accredited to life experience degree training or must this be done previously in college?

There are apparently 6 accreditation boards in the United States, providing life experience degree in such you should try locally for more convenience.