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probably. Speak to a lawyer.....................

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Q: Can you get a first time non violent felony conviction expunged in Florida?
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I was told if your felony was not violent or sentence less than a year you could still own weapons in Arizona?

Wrong. A felony conviction IS a felony conviction. You may be able to get the offense expunged (IF Arizona is one of the few states that will restore your civil rights).

Can a felony DUI be expunged in Florida if a VOP resulted in a prison sentence?

It is almost impossible to have any felony expunged if you were convicted of the infraction.

What kind of felony can be expunged in Florida?

See the below link:

If a felony conviction is expunged cant the person still own firearms in state of Arkansas?

No, they cannot.

Can vote in Florida with a felony conviction?

yes you can

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in NY?

A felony conviction will remain on your 'record' indefinetly, until you have it expunged via Court order.

What procedure do you take to have a felony conviction drug expunged?

It depends on what state convicted you. All states have different procedures.

can i enroll in the army with a felony?

It depends on the felony. If you have a rape or manslaughter conviction it can be hard but not impossible. If it's a non-violent felony you probably can get a waiver.

Can a person with a non-violent felony conviction rent with someone with no criminal background?


Will a 7 yr old felony show up on a background check in Florida?

A felony will always show up, unless expunged.

How long does a felony stay on your record in Kentucky and can it be expunged?

Felonies are forever... Expunging a record is very difficult and very costly.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of AZ and how can it be removed from your records?

A felony conviction record is forever unless it is expunged. If you qualify for expungement you can have the offense expunged. HOWEVER - an expungement only hides the conviction from the general public. Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies will always have access to it which would prevent you from ever possessing a firearm.