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Q: Can you get a pilots license after a traumatic brain injury?
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What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury?

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury

What is the DSM IV code for traumatic brain injury?

What is the dsm code for traumatic brain injury

What are some causes of severe traumatic brain injury?

Severe traumatic brain injury can be caused by several factors. The most common cause of severe traumatic brain injury involves automobile accidents. Falling on the head can also result in severe traumatic brain injury. Other cases include firearms or other weapons penetrating the skull.

Is aphasia a traumatic brain injury?

No; it is a brain-based language disorder that may be caused by a brain injury.

What is a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

Traumatic brain injury is the damaging of the brain which impairs a body's certain function. The brain will experience TBI if there is an injury or impact to the head which directly affects the brain cells. The brain is capable of repairing itself, however it is in varying ways and degrees depending on the person and the injury's severity.

What are good activities for people with traumatic brain injuries?

learning activities for people with traumatic brain injury

Is cva a traumatic brain injury?

CVA stands for Cerebral Vascular Accident and is the medical term for a stroke. it is not the same as a TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury

What is the cost involved with traumatic brain injury treatment?

The costs involved with traumatic brain injury treatments are very high. Traumatic brain injury treatment is very expensive. The average costs for medical and long-term care services are around $200,000.

What is the color of bracelet for children of tramatic brain injury?

the colour for traumatic brain injury is green.

Can a person recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury?


Which is the mildest consequence of traumatic brain injury?

a concussion

Traumatic injury that destroys brain tissue?
