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Sure. Often the dentist can tell that the tooth will not come in right and they remove it before it causes a problem. Or, if a person is having a problem with one tooth, they might also remove the others, which may be in varying stages of growth.

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Yes. In fact, most wisdom teeth are removed because there is not enough room for them to fit in the mouth. True. But if it is beneath the gum tissue it will be a surgical extraction that may require an incision and bone removal. Many times this is most comfortable under an IV anesthesia, but can be done with local anesthesia.

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Q: Can you get a wisdom tooth pulled if it hasn't come in all the way?
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Is a wisdom tooth that is coming out supposed to have skin on top of it?

Yes a wisdom tooth that is coming out suppose to have skin on top of it. Before the wisdom tooth began to grow there was nothing but skin there. So in order for it to fully come in it breaks through the skin like any other tooth.

If a second molar tooth has been pulled can it be possible that it will be filled with a new wisdom tooth that is slowly coming in and will it slowly fill the gap?

I had my molar pulled 10 - 15 years ago and my wisdom tooth did come down and fill in the space. It is slightly slanted but I have never had any problems with it. It is possible for a wisdom tooth to eventually erupt into the space but they will generally come in at a slant and create problems with the health of the gums. This slanting causes a large space that is very difficult to keep clean and we usually see advance bone loss happen in this are that can affect the existing 1st molor as well. In today's world the best alternative would be a dental implant to replace the extracted 2nd molar.

Do wisdom teeth come back?

No. Once they are pulled, they are gone for good.

Must you have your wisdom tooth removed?

Normally, there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. If you've lost some back teeth for one reason or another, the wisdon tooth can come in with no problem.

Is it more painful to have your canine teeth pulled out if they are growing on top of other teeth?

Having a tooth pulled regardless of the location will hurt, most dentists and oral surgeons will prescribe Ibuprofen or Vicodin after tooth extractions. However, If it's a deciduous tooth (baby tooth) and your other canine is coming in, it would be smarter to have it pulled as to allow the permanent tooth room to come in. Otherwise your tooth could come in crooked.

What is the name of the teeth that cannot come out?

Submerged dentition. If a tooth is stuck and wants to come out but cannot, we call it an impacted tooth. Usually it is a third molar tooth that causes this condition. also known as impacted wisdom tooth.

Is it OK to get braces if your wisdom teeth may come in soon?

I don't know if it's OK. I have braces myself and my wisdom teeth are coming in right now. Unfortunatly, I have to get them pulled, if anything that's what would happen. You should wait until the wisdom teeth come in, and then get them pulled, because the metal bands may not fit around the wisdom teeth, and most people have more comfort when their wisdom teeth are pulled. I have braces and my wisdom teeth came through and my otho hasn't done anything to them.

Why do you have to have your wisdom teeth extracted when they come in?

Wisdom teeth should be extracted when they push and damage the 7th tooth while they grow, also when they develop a cyst or cause an infection, and wisdom teeth are removed if they're causing problems with prosthesis. Here's an interesting video about wisdom tooth extraction.

Should you have your tooth pulled or do a root canal?

It really depends on the situation and preference. Both of these options are not a 100% fix. Pulling the tooth can cause complications where there is no supporting bone structure for the teeth beside the one being pulled. This can cause the teeth to shift and it also has a chance of changing your bite alignment. Also if you haven't had your wisdom teeth removed and for example you had a molar or premolar pulled then the wisdom tooth has room to push in and all the teeth between it and the one pulled will shift forward. This can sometimes cause complications, but also could save you spending a lot of money getting your wisdom tooth pulled as it will have the room to grow in place. If you wish to go for the root canal you will be looking at $800+ with no coverage and that doesn't not even include getting a cap or crown on the tooth. In addition there is no guarantee that the tooth would be saved. Complications can occur where the root gets fractured and there is no saving the tooth so you just threw all that money away. Personally in my experience if you come to the point where a root canal is needed, I suggest getting it pulled and save what teeth you can with fillings that aren't nearly as severe. And if you aren't to worried about your complexion in regards to fillings, I would go for one of the stronger fillings like silver amalgam. They can last anywhere from 10-30 years and they are a cheaper material.

Will a baby tooth come out if a new tooth is behind it?

This happened to me and one of the baby teeth eventually fell out. I had to have two others pulled out by the dentist.

Should my sons lip be swoolen after having his tooth pulled?

yes its normal if his lip is swollen after his tooth is pulled, the numbing medication may have made it swell when they injected it in his lipthe feeling will come back after a couple of hours

How do you get your tooth to come out faster?

I have lost many teeth i hope this answer helps. Getting a tooth to come out fast is to pull it. There will probably be alot of blood because your tooth was not ready to come out by the time you pulled it. But if you dont want the pain, or the blood of tooth pulling, just wait till it comes out on its own. Hope this helped!