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Because your hormones are changing, which affects the pH balance in your vagina. It can also happen because some women have discharge before they have their period every month, so the moisture becomes a perfect place for the yeast to grow. Many women get yeast infections before their period, but some women never get them at all. It just depends on your body.

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11y ago

Some gals overproduce the bacteria that causes yeast infections and they also start from too much friction internally. You can do a few things to help yourself. Eat yogurt, it has good bacteria that fights offs the bad that your body naturally cant. Before and after sex, urinate, it cleans out the tract. Do not douche, it kills the good bacteria off. The blood that comes out during period not actually what causes it. If you use tampons, dont, they harbor bacteria that causes infection. Use pads and change them often. Bacteria thrives in dark, moist, warm places and the vaginal area is a haven for it. They make wipes you can carry in your purse so that when you do have your period, you can wipe after going to the bathroom. Sometimes the type of underwear crotch causes this too because if you are a gal that is constantly moist it sits on the crotch and irritates the area too. When at home you can wipe with a warm wash cloth after sex and urination. Go see a OB/GYN to see if you have another issue in the area, not saying you do just to be sure. Good luck. I personally have never had one but I understand thru friends that they are uncomfortable. Sorry for that. Its just something else us, woman have inherited for being the special gals we are.


whoever wrote that ^ is kinda stupid because it's not bacteria that causes yeast infections, it's YEAST. which is a type of FUNGUS. jesus. people, get your facts straight. and even if a tampon harbors bacteria, it's the YEAST that's the problem, not those bacteria.

and don't forget to DRY yourself after wiping with the warm wash cloth. yeast prefers a moist environment.

oh, and don't eat so many carbs. yeast thrives off of that, too. (it's why yeast is used to leaven bread: they eat the bread and then expand with the heat.)


when you're on your period, it can cause hormone imbalances and changes. that can influence/trigger yeast to go out of control.

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9y ago

Yeast infections are caused by excessive growth in the yeast naturally found within the vagina, the vagina is normally good at preventing this because it's acidic pH helps keep yeast under control and maintains healthy bacteria that produce hydrogen peroxide to help keep the yeast under control.

Yeast infections are increased by two main factors:

  1. Anything that effects vaginal pH.
  2. The genitals becoming warm/moist.

Make sure to wash daily with water only - never use soaps, washes, wipes, sprays, or even so-called feminine cleansing products as all these can effect vaginal pH, even if they claim to be pH friendly they will never match your own pH. Water is all that's needed to stay clean, just wipe between your labia to clean away dirt - also avoid bubble baths, etc. Dry well afterwards.

Avoid tampons like the plague as these have a major effect on pH and bacteria within your vagina, if you normally use tampons switch to menstrual cups or softcups which are far more hygienic. Avoid commercial pads which prevent air-flow to your genitals so make them warm/moist which is perfect for bacteria and yeast to thrive, also chemicals in these type of pads can effect pH - if you normally use pads opt for organic cotton or cloth pads.

Avoid tight synthetic clothing - remember you want as much air flow to your genitals as possible to keep yourself dry and cool - also avoid wearing underwear to bed, and don't sit for long periods of time. Plus if you're a swimmer avoid sitting around for a long time in a wet swimsuit.

Check your diet - yeast love sugars so a high sugar diet will increase the risk of yeast infections, also be sure to get your doctor to test for Diabetes which may explain reoccurring infections. Try introducing more pro-biotics into your diet via yoghurt or pro-biotic tablets.

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14y ago

There are a number of factors that can cause a yeast infection, including:

Antibiotics - Antibiotics are designed to destroy disease-causing organisms. Unfortunately, antibiotics can also kill some of the bacteria found in the vagina. When this happens, an overgrowth of Candida organisms (a yeast infection) may occur.

Diabetes - The vagina may experience an increase in available sugar when your blood sugar is not well controlled, thereby allowing yeast to grow more rapidly.

Pregnancy - As levels of estrogen increase during pregnancy, the chance of a yeast infection increases until the time of delivery.

Discover more causes in recommended relatd link below.

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14y ago

Not washing up enough? Or, after "washing up" - not drying up thoroughly?

Honestly, I haven't heard of many yeast infection complaints after periods and we got a lot of women here.

Perhaps you should consider a diet change, yogurt, or even an acidophilus supplement will get your body(digestion) on track.

I've always heard girls say not to wear thongs on their period too.

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9y ago

Your vagina is naturally acidic to kill harmful bacteria and help healthy bacteria to thrive, and these healthy bacteria keep yeast under control. During menstruation the blood changes vaginal pH to make it less acidic, also menstrual flow is nutritious so can change vaginal flora too.

What menstrual products you use makes a big difference, tampons and commercial menstrual pads are both unhygienic so can increase your risk of vaginal infections - more so if you don't change often enough. Commercial pads are a very common factor in contracting yeast infections, they prevent air-flow to the genitals so cause sweating and stop blood from drying; thus the perfect warm moist environment in which yeast can thrive. Try using cloth pads or menstrual cups instead.

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11y ago

You are either not fully curing it to begin with; or you continue to expose yourself to the original causes.

Proper nutrition and hygiene can help prevent infection but once you have a yeast infection it must be fully cured and cleansed away or it will simply grow back quickly.

There are numerous online sources of information on the basics of yeast infections; however, If you cannot find a solution on your own, I suggest consulting a doctor as there may be deeper underlying causes that are specific to your body which need to be addressed.

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Q: Why do you get yeast infections on your period?
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It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

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Is it bad to continuously have yeast infections after your period?

Yes, it's bad to have yeast infections at any time. During menstruation you may be at higher risk of certain infections because normally your vagina is acidic to kill off harmful flora, but blood effects vaginal pH so make it less acidic and more favorable to harmful flora.

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How can you tell if a man has a yeast infection?

A man that has a yeast infections may experience burning, itching or a rash around the penis. Yeast infections are not considered STD's , Never the less unprotected sex may mean a pardner can catch it as well. Yeast infections can be caused by a course of antibiotics that kills off the friendly flora in the gut. When that happens, candida albican can form, the infection that is responsible for yeast infections. Yeast infections treated with medications such as Monistat, which can be used by men and women.

Well zithromax treat a yeast infection?

No, Zithromax treats bacterial infections. It is not effective against fungal infections like yeast.

Does lexapro cause vaginal yeast infections?

No, yeast causes yeast infections, Lexapro may predispose you to being susceptible to the infection so follow good hygiene practices.

What is nystatin oral suspension?

nystatin is a polyene antifungal drug to which molds and yeast infections are sensitive to it is commonly used to treat yeast infections, thrush, and gastrointestinal fungal infections.

Can you get a disease from yeast?

No. Yeast infections in people are caused by a completely different organizm from the yeast used in food.

Do you have to be sexual active to have a yeast infection?

No, yeast infections are not thought to be sexually transmitted.

Is candida albicans the species?

It is a species of yeast known to cause yeast infections.