

Can you get an STD from saliva?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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No you cant get stds from spit because it is a sexually transmitted disease
Technically I dont think so but remember that Herpes (cold sores) are a form of an STD
If the person has herpes of the mouth, it can be transmitted to the genitals via saliva and then from their genitals to yours if you come in contact with that later on as well.
Hello. You can not contract a STD or STI by saliva contact but you can contract mouth thrust infection by saliva contact. Diseases are only transmitted through having unprotected sex and in the case of HIV by your blood, such as a open cutt, coming into contact with a infected persons blood. HIV/AIDS is also transmitted by unprotected sex.
You would have to be super unlucky.

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