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Q: Can you get an erection while wearing a wet diaper?
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Why would a person find sexual arousal while wearing a wet diaper?

cause they want to and find a guy and suck on his penus to pleas

How can one tell if a baby is wearing a wet diaper?

The easiest way to tell if a diaper is wet or dirty and needs changing would be to pinch the diaper or poke it and it will be squishy. This is due to the absorption of the fluid. Some diapers even have a stripe that changes color once the baby has urinated.

How do you know if someone wears diapers?

There is a bulge in the front and back from wearing diapers even when the diaper is not wet or poopy. If a person is wearing a diaper and they wet or mess than the bulge grows in the front or in the back. If they mess than you can tell from the scent of the used diaper. Also it is very common for a person wearing a diaper to walk slightly differently. Depending on what kind of cloths the person is wearing will dictate how obvious the diaper is. There is also a tell tale crinkle from the diaper. The two biggest give away's is the bulge in the front, and the bulge in the back when the person soils themselves. Having been incontinent all my life as a result of a botched up operation to sort my Spina Bifida out, I can speak from experience since I have to wear them 24/7

How do you measure the amount of fluid in a wet diaper?

To measure the amount of fluid in a wet diaper, you can use a diaper scale. Place the wet diaper on the scale and record the weight. The weight difference from a dry diaper will give you an estimate of the amount of fluid that has been absorbed.

Where can you watch good wet diaper videos?

you can watch good wet diaper videos is on you tube or America's funniest home videos.

Why would a babies diaper not be wet?


What does it mean if your baby's diaper smells of ammonia?

one of two things the baby is dehydrated or they have been wet for a long while. the older a the urine gets the more it small of ammonia. if this is for a microbiology class, the answer is because ammonia is a bi product of urea catabolism (the breakdown of proteins). Urea is excreted as ammonia through urine in baby's children and adults. So basically if anyone wet themselves while wearing a diaper you would have a large concentration of urine containing ammonia in one place.

Why is the first indication is when your diaper is wet?

My very first indication that I need to urinate is when it is spreading out in my diaper.

When getting a diaper wet it will expand?

Yes. Wetting a diaper, particularly a disposable one, will make it expand.

What if people do not wet the bed is it ok if they wear a diaper?

Yes you can feel safe if it makes you comfortable to wear a diaper

Can you become incontient if you wear adult diaper not that often?

No. Diapers do not cause incontient no matter how long you use them. You will notice that you wet/mess more often the longer you use them, but once you take them off you will not be incontient. Some people claim (I just am incontient) that you can make yourself incontinent using various methods like wearing and using one 24/7 for years and hypnosis. However, these methods always include more then just wearing a diaper once in a while.

How can you get your parents to let you wear diapers?

this can be embarrassing but usally if you wet your pants in school the nurse will keep track of how many times usally call home and may even force diaper wearing