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Q: Can you get back money from the bank that sold my foreclose home?
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If you own two homes can you foreclose on one and the bank not take the new one your living in?

The bank will only take the home they foreclose.

Can bank come after your savings account if you foreclose on your home?

no, not if it is a 1st mortgage. because of the mortgage tax relief act of 2007

Can the bank foreclose on your home while you are still in the modification process?


Will the bank sue you if you foreclose on your home loan?

Yes, the bank will sue you if you default on your home loan and place your house in foreclosure.

If i foreclose on my 2nd home how will it affect my primary home?

If you foreclose on your 2nd home, it will not affect your primary home. It will actually free up money so you can pay your first mortgage.

Is a note valid if not signed by mortgage lender?

Yes. The mortgage secures the debt. The note is simply a promise that you repay the money. If you sign the note, then you are liable for the debt. The note is simply your promise to pay back the money you borrowed. If you signed the mortgage, and you default on the promises and covenants of the note and mortgage, then the mortgagee (bank) has the right to foreclose on you. The default of mortgage payments are a breach of contract which allows the lender to foreclose on your home.

Who pays your home equity loan when you die?

Your estate is responsible. If the equity mortgage is not paid the bank will foreclose on the property.

What is a bank foreclosure?

It when your mortgage to the bank has been defaulted on and they decide to take back your home to compensate for their lost money.

If you don't pay can they take your home?

The IRS could get a lien on your home for failing to pay any income taxes that may be due. If there is a federal tax lien on your home, you must satisfy the lien before you can sell or refinance your home.

Can a bank take furniture and TV etc in a home foreclose?

in order for the bank to remove your personal property from your home the foreclosure must have taken place and you must being legally evicted first.

When you do not include your house in a bankruptcy and then get a loan modification but still cannot pay the monthly payment can the bank take your house if you pay something on it every month?

Yes, if you are not making payments on your home, the bank can foreclose. Even if you are paying something, if you are not paying the amount agreed to in the loan modification or original contract, the bank can foreclose. If bankruptcy is active, they may need permission from the court but if payments are not being made in a timely fashion the court generally grants permission to foreclose. The moral of the story - make your payments or the bank can foreclose!

In a foreclosure can a lender sue you for heloc?

If homeowners owe money on their HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit), and are not paying the loan back, they can be sued for foreclosure. The HELOC is secured by the real estate, and the mortgage company has a lien on the home. When the borrowers signed for the line of credit, they agreed that the bank could foreclose on their house if they fell behind on the payments.